Posted on Mar 14, 2018
Seaside High teacher accidentally fires gun in class, students injured
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 13
Clear a weapon by pointing it at the ceiling..... If he's been a reserve cop for 11yrs, he should've known to keep it pointing down, put it on safe, drop the magazine, slide to the rear, and THEN inspect the chamber. That kids parents are going to sue the brakes off the school board. They should sue the brakes off em too.
But what do I know? I'm only a former MP, and we all know you can't spell wimp without MP....
But what do I know? I'm only a former MP, and we all know you can't spell wimp without MP....
Just after 9/11 when we decided to gun up, I told the CO that this was a bad idea because none of us had had the proper amount of training. I said I see sailors doing accidental discharges up and down the waterfront. The CO said I was being melodramatic (generally true, but not in this case). The CO was out walking the weatherdecks one late afternoon, and came in flustered to me... wanted me to issue him a flak jacket and kevlar helmet. Turns out he had just missed getting hit by a sailor 2 or 3 piers over accidentally discharging a weapon while clearing it for turnover. Of course, in the most polite voice I could muster, I told him maybe he just shouldn't walk around the weatherdecks during watch turnovers! Not sure why I got every Sea and Anchor detail after that.... Point being that sometimes the supposed experts, aren't!
#DOGECOIN This has to be the dumbest thing I have evr seen a cop do. That is saying a lot (thanks chocogirl105). For those who may think it is not real snope...
Happens a lot. Even the experienced screw up.
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