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Responses: 23
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
You have to actually see Gates testimony before Congress I guess to get a good laugh out of this. However Rep Trey Gowdy, said no serious prosecutor or Jury would take anything Gates said seriously because of the way he expresses himself and some of the things he said before Congress he is just not a credible witness you could base a case on or use to make a charge stick. So I think Dean is probably not looking at all the facts.

Trump will be a two term President and stories like this in the Media are sealing the deal with the voters.
LCpl Mike Calhoun
LCpl Mike Calhoun
>1 y
They are sealing their fate, especially with the two most recent examples of hysterical hyperbole; the tax cut will kill people if passed, and the Nunes Memo was supposed to cause assets in the field to be rounded up and shot if it was released.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - It is really going to depend who is running against him if it gets that far. Find a Dem who is not repulsive to middle of the road voters, and he is out. Run Swillary again, and he is a two term president.
LTC Laborer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - The problem that the left has is finding a Democrat that is not repulsive to middle of the road voters ... and yet still attracts the (quite substantial) extreme left that in large measure is currently driving the train in the Democratic Party. Democrats are so badly fragmented now that they are running against each other ... and the Democrats in leadership positions (Schumer, Pelosi, et al) are tripping all over themselves trying to figure out who, what, when, where, why ... to support anything. They are attempting to kowtow in so many different directions to please everyone ... that they are banging their heads against each other and pleasing no one.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I agree that finding such a candidate may be difficult for the Democrats. Democrats need to realize that even if they win huge in high population states, that will not give them the election. People refer to Hillary winning the popular vote which is true, but when you consider how many more people live in the United Soviet Socialist Republics of California and New York than in the majority of the "Red States" they need to look beyond pandering to those far left people, and find a suitable candidate for the election. Unlike the rust belt that Hillary ignored, and Trump didn't, the high population far left states are not going to vote Republican no matter who the Democrats run. So the extreme left can keep driving the Democratic Party, and they will continue to wonder why their candidate was rejected by moderate voters.
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1SG Dennis Hicks
Edited >1 y ago
I will just leave this here to stir the pot, if any of us actually believed and the of the doom and gloom news a number of people would be in jail today, they are not, they won't be anytime soon and new BREAKING NEWS is being printed as I post this, Business as usual in the sewage pond.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
1SG Dennis Hicks - I know most in Congress are millionaires, but I don't know how many came into Congress already wealthy. That would take some extra research,, maybe tomorrow,,,
I do know some have gained a lot while in office, but is it due to marriage, investments, inheritance, or nefarious methods?
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - From what I have read over the years many come into the office pretty well off, you have to have money to make it in. But they leave office far richer than their salary can explain or even good stock investments. They are all crooks in my book. I am all for term limits but not statute of limitations on their crimes in office.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
1SG Dennis Hicks - If malfeasance can be proved against any of them I am all for arresting, trying, and imprisoning them. Any of them.
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - The problem with that is they are so ingrained with the system, that the system doesn't see any wrong doing. An example can be drawn when you compare a regular citizen getting pulled over for a traffic violation with one of the privileged politicians. Who wants a politician destroying your career with some phone calls to your bosses. If I wasted the time I could point out these elites from all parties getting away with things that we would go to jail for and have our lives ruined yet the keep on going the energizer bunny to do even more criminal activity. Its a very sad state of affairs that goes on while we bicker about petty things like political parties when they are all the same just different labels.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Midterms matter thats all. The end of his Presidency or not, what matters is that folk get off their behinds and show up in November
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