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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
I can't believe the social justice Warriors visiting president Trump are appalled at his idea of having trained armed faculty on campus. This is the real world, only dummies like California governor Jerry Brown and his legislature passed laws forbidding school districts from giving out gun permits to Any teacher. Criminals know that and so do the Looney ones! The only safe space is an armed protected space. All the Kumbaya and wishful thinking in the world isn't going to stop a 7.62, 5.56, 9 mm or double odd buck bullet!
MSG Retired
MSG (Join to see)
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LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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Correction, I'm referring to the state of California. Prior to this law, this superintendent of schools could allow armed employees on campus who had valid concealed carry. As of January 1st, it is no longer valid. Open Season Governor Jerry Brown!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
There are 18 states that already allow teachers to conceal carry. I actually like the idea of the rest allowing this to happen, but I'm sadden that our society has sunk to this not so new low of having to actually do this. Trump said the shootings last an average of three minutes. It takes LEO to get there an average of eight minutes where the shooting has already been done and over with. In this scenario, the "good guy/gal with a gun" applies to me. But there has to be limitations on this too. Who issues them, who is responsible for maintaining the qualification books, when do they qualify, are they taught first aid? The "Golden Hour" is just as important as slinging rounds at the bad guys, There needs to be a limit to the size of the weapon. If you think for one second that if this isn't legislated, you'll find some teacher with a Barrett, full auto GLOCK (folks do have licenses to have these weapons), an Abrams, or a 777 talking about how they would save lives with either one. Can't have that "grey area". Something like this should not be allowed to be legislated by the states since the laws we have now that are state laws are confusing, vague, and can send you to prison for being in the "right" while being in the "wrong". Make it a federal law where the states can define how to work within the framework of the federal guidelines, and not restrict them to the point where it becomes a non-starter. No child should expect going to school to be a true life or death experience. We've failed as a society if this is reasonable

Personally if I was a teacher, I'd have an A-10 flying CAP for eight hours or a Bradley in the parking lot.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
You would have a Seal Team ready as well. Here is a Canadian Special Forces air assault in one of their training facilities.

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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Edited >1 y ago
Ask those that want to ban guns if they'd want to ban vehicles or knives if they were the leading cause of teen deaths, or mass killings in the U S.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
American Veteran


We need to be very clear. Until trump and the Congress speak out against the NRA nothing will change. This simply another of trump’s empty promises. How any leader could listen to those kids and do nothing is despicable
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
It was the law, it worked. If the American People want action they need to state one goal and make it non negotiable. If not no incumbent gets reelected PERIOD. Talk is not productive
SSG Motor Transport Operator
SSG (Join to see)
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SSG Edward Tilton - NO. The "Assault Weapons" ban DID NOT work one bit. In fact the crime rate change was statistically insignificant. It was so small the data could not distinguish a change between the existence or non-existence of "assault weapons" and the inherent variability of the data over time. So, please, post about something you know about.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - I guess I was imagining it for 25 years in Law Enforcement. Once had a veteran bring his AR-15 to PTSD group for show and tell. If AR-15s had been legal I would have had been unable to sieze his weapon. If the assault weapons ban did nothing why would you worry about it
SSG Motor Transport Operator
SSG (Join to see)
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But school shootings are not a PTSD support Group. I worry about it because the proponents of the ban have an agenda. They are not worried about facts, they are worried about the agenda. Scary looking guns are obviously dangerous and should be banned. The Assault Weapons ban was a knee jerk reaction that held little value except for political capital. The ban had no net positive result because criminals just simply found other ways to kill. Crime stayed the same or ticked up slightly. I am wondering how many gun crimes you have personally witnessed. And of those, how many were perpetrated with an "assault weapon" and how many not? Criminals do not care about laws. Laws are only effective on law abiding citizens. In fact the Deputy that responded in Florida "took up a position" outside the school and for 4 minutes did nothing. He was a coward. And this is who the public was counting on. But why should they have counted on him? The FBI, the local police, the sheriff, the school officials, and even the students knew this kid was unhinged, and yet he was allowed a pass because we don't want to hurt any feelings. The system FAILED. It is NOT a gun issue, it is a Culture and People Issue. If it was a gun issue then why not attack a police station? Or a military base? Why? Because they are armed and will fight back. Schools are the softest targets out there and that is just despicable.
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