Posted on Feb 12, 2018
US Holds Arch Terrorists in Syria: Now What? | Clarion Project
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
LCpl Cody Collins
If I'm not mistaken, those acts took place outside the 12 mile limit. after one is 12 miles away from the shores of the United States. you are at the mercy of whomever catches you. Now if these acts occurred on U.S. soil, then you would be right. They didn't, so we can't impose our laws on another Sovereign Nation. So we ask for permission to take these murder's into neutral or no-mans land , where our laws do not apply and end this nightmare.
What seems frustrating to me is my understanding that these perps do not fit into any established category of war criminal type as we are not at a declared war with them as individuals. Then there appears to be no legal system or framework to run them through. I have heard where they rate and receive legal representation at taxpayers expense, and can avail themselves of every legal twist and turn open to shyster-type lawyers who know how to play the 'system'. They live like Roman senators while at GTMO because they can't appear being abused or maltreated. Life is good down there for them. They could be turned loose if the gvt could not prove under American law standards they are in fact guilty. Hence they are held in limbo at GTMO.
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