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Responses: 15
SSG Diane R.
Anyone with any sense knows the Obama prosecution of sheriff Arpaio was political in nature.

Now just sit back and watch the FBI self-destruct in front of your very eyes as one wave of corruption after another is exposed.

Those lunatics actually thought they could prevent an elected president from taking office, or remove him afterwards.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
DOJ wasn't involved in this case until the very end. The lawsuit was filed by US citizens because Arpaio was violating their civil rights. A Republican-appointed judge agreed, and ordered Arpaio to stop, and Arpaio ignored the order. The judge then found Arpaio in civil contempt, and requested DOJ prosecute him for criminal contempt.

Anything else is just make-believe, just as the BS spin on the FBI is make-believe.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
>1 y
"Citizens" you mean a illegal aliens and their interest groups, right?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SSG Diane R. - no, by citizens I mean people who were born in the United States, or who came here legally and were naturalized. David and Jessika Rodriguez were US citizens and had their rights violated by MCSO under Arpaio. Manuel Nieto and Velia Meraz, who are brother and sister, were US citizens whose rights were violated by Arpaio. Manuel Ortega Melendres, who was in the US on a valid visa, was detained and arrested by MCSO even though he showed the officers the proper documentation at the time of the stop.

None of the plaintiffs were illegal aliens or their interest groups.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
Wow stretching a lot with this one. A judge told him to stop an illegal practice of racial profiling which is against the law both in almost every state and federally clearly, he continues and it’s a political witchunt? I’ve seen a Nat Geo special on tent city when he was still in charge and being in the tents then was optional. If true, he has my support in not giving a damn. Make better life choices or ask to be in gen pop in the main jail. he should run. Lots of criminals with a R or a D at the end of their names.

Someone breaks the law and it’s Obama’s fault. Priceless
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Susan Foster
Edited >1 y ago
Not buying the conspiracy. Although that's what he said, the actual roots of the complaints that led to Arpaio’s conviction lie outside the Justice Department in 2007 with a private lawsuit that turned into a class action suit that led a Bush-era federal judge to issue an injunction against Arpaio and his department. Arpaio publicly declared that he would not change his ways. The original judge referred Arpaio’s case for criminal prosecution and a Clinton-era judge found him guilty. The record, the law and legal opinion show the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona had control of the process. I don't care what party he belongs to, he was a disgusting and racist sheriff who violated people's rights, and he never claimed anything else.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
Of course not. They want to move a million of so prisoners as slave labor for the "Wall". What better job for Joe, he won't even have to move. That camp in Gila Bend still has the infrastucture from when it was used to house Japanese detainees. Is this the Country I went to war for
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SSG Edward Tilton
He was so looking forward to being in charge of the prison camps in the desert where they keep the slave labor for the Border Wall
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