Posted on Jan 21, 2018
Sen. Tammy Duckworth slams Trump as a “five-deferment draft-dodger” and “cadet bone spurs”
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 11
President Trump may have made some poor decisions in his youth but we need to measure him by what he’s doing today. He has allowed our troops to engage the enemy in ways that are far more effective than his predecessor. Not to mention the tax cuts, illegal boarder crossings down over 60%, an awesome Supreme Court selection, the lowest unemployment in 40 years, and the record breaking stock market. For this, I’ll forgive some ill advised tweets and dumb decisions in his 20’s.
SFC (Join to see)
As long as I'm not kicked out of the Army because of his mislead personal opinions, I'm 100% with you!
I have the utmost respect for LTC Duckcworth (R) for her service to her country as a Soldier. That being said she is a total and utter failure as a politician. She used that as an opportunity to "cash in" , and has lost any credibility with me ....
SFC (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Don't know...didnt listen or read what she had to say. She has no credibility in my opinion. She had the perfect opportunity when she was at the VA to do some good, but failed. She used her status as a Vet, disabled etc to garner support for her election to move up the political yeah she's cashing in...
Now this is all my opinion. At least she served which I habe much respect for, but given the opportunities she's had to HELP the Veteran community and didn't but instead went after personal gain is bunk. Now this isn't just her. It's any and all elected officials that served and used that status to garner support to get elected.
Now this is all my opinion. At least she served which I habe much respect for, but given the opportunities she's had to HELP the Veteran community and didn't but instead went after personal gain is bunk. Now this isn't just her. It's any and all elected officials that served and used that status to garner support to get elected.
MAJ Byron Oyler
SFC (Join to see) - If you have followed her since her injury as I have, what she was before the Senate and what she spews out now is night and day difference. Today it is almost like she has a communist party book she must follow to include hatred of Trump. This is not who she used to be.
SFC (Join to see)
MAJ Byron Oyler - agreed. I watched the "transformation" of how she was to who she is now.
You know, Bill Clinton has a much more clear history of deliberately dodging the draft than Donald Trump.
And there are plenty of other Democrats who likewise did their share of dodging the draft.
However, it seems to me that this is water 50 years gone under the bridge now.
It's also worthy of noting that not everybody is cut out to be in the military. Drafting undesirables or people who otherwise do not want to be in the military brings with it its own problems. An honestly, having served 20 years myself, I wouldn't have wanted such people in the Navy with me either.
But the man IS a proven success otherwise. Let's see how he does now, as President.
Quite frankly, I'm disappointed in a retired Lt. Col who would play into such political BS in the first place.
Quite frankly, she would do well with getting her own cohorts into line and doing their own jobs...and let's start with actually passing a federal budget ON TIME and do a turn around on the whole dismal record of only 4 years in the last 41 of meeting the deadline for this.
It's only the law, you know...seems to me that following it and passing the budget on time would solve at least a few problems.
And there are plenty of other Democrats who likewise did their share of dodging the draft.
However, it seems to me that this is water 50 years gone under the bridge now.
It's also worthy of noting that not everybody is cut out to be in the military. Drafting undesirables or people who otherwise do not want to be in the military brings with it its own problems. An honestly, having served 20 years myself, I wouldn't have wanted such people in the Navy with me either.
But the man IS a proven success otherwise. Let's see how he does now, as President.
Quite frankly, I'm disappointed in a retired Lt. Col who would play into such political BS in the first place.
Quite frankly, she would do well with getting her own cohorts into line and doing their own jobs...and let's start with actually passing a federal budget ON TIME and do a turn around on the whole dismal record of only 4 years in the last 41 of meeting the deadline for this.
It's only the law, you know...seems to me that following it and passing the budget on time would solve at least a few problems.
CPO Glenn Moss
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - You're missing the point. If this is going to be an actual, meaningful issue, then it should apply equally across the board, to include ALL politicians.
If the issue of dodging the draft is something to be considered with respect to how one comports oneself in a political office (President or otherwise), and this hasn't been a demonstrated problem in the past (to wit, my one example of Bill Clinton), then WHY is it all of the sudden a problem NOW?
Whether either of them (Clinton or Trump) dodged the draft or not, it's now a half century in the past (for Bill Clinton, it was what...a quarter century in the past at the time he was elected?). And the fact of the matter is they were BOTH elected President of the United States, in spite of this.
Other measures could be used to gauge a person's success, but the plain fact of the matter is that simply getting elected POTUS is a serious indicator of a successful person, regardless of what else we may think of the individual elected.
Having served in the military (draft or voluntary) is not, by itself, either a qualifying factor or an indicator that an individual is suited for public office. Plenty of historical examples of this throughout our history.
If the issue of dodging the draft is something to be considered with respect to how one comports oneself in a political office (President or otherwise), and this hasn't been a demonstrated problem in the past (to wit, my one example of Bill Clinton), then WHY is it all of the sudden a problem NOW?
Whether either of them (Clinton or Trump) dodged the draft or not, it's now a half century in the past (for Bill Clinton, it was what...a quarter century in the past at the time he was elected?). And the fact of the matter is they were BOTH elected President of the United States, in spite of this.
Other measures could be used to gauge a person's success, but the plain fact of the matter is that simply getting elected POTUS is a serious indicator of a successful person, regardless of what else we may think of the individual elected.
Having served in the military (draft or voluntary) is not, by itself, either a qualifying factor or an indicator that an individual is suited for public office. Plenty of historical examples of this throughout our history.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
the last presiftial Canidates where the draft would be an issue is now in office. Rebublicans gave Clinton He'll about dodging the the draft. But Clinton never accused Congress of what Trump is accusing them now. Compare apples to apples.
not to mention Trump seeming pleasure in random attacks against people who have served bravely like Duckworth and McCain and his BS about attacking the Generals.
not to mention Trump seeming pleasure in random attacks against people who have served bravely like Duckworth and McCain and his BS about attacking the Generals.
CPO Glenn Moss
"Clinton never accused Congress of what Trump is accusing them now."
And that would be what, exactly? That they're a buncha draft dodgers or something?
Put me in front of Congress and I'll be perfectly happy to tell each and every one of them all kinds of stuff about their performance, and lack thereof.
And that would be what, exactly? That they're a buncha draft dodgers or something?
Put me in front of Congress and I'll be perfectly happy to tell each and every one of them all kinds of stuff about their performance, and lack thereof.
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