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Responses: 5
LTC James McElreath
I do not understand where there is a problem, by the looks of Guantanamo those questionable folks should love it! I am sure better than Iraq, nice view of the ocean, three squares and a bed (no cot). They even live in a gated community, with the best patrol personnel that our government can provide. I would almost guarantee no one has even tried to break in, their security is top shelf.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
Geez, you've completely gone over to a authoritarian regime mindset.

"All presumptive evidence of felony should be admitted cautiously; for the law holds it better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent party suffer." Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Law of England 713 (West reprint 1897, orig. Oxford 1765-69).

Do you not realize that the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and that all tribunals, whether civil or military have to conduct themselves within the bounds set out by the Constitution? You are apparently not aware that no one has to earn Constitutional rights, that those rights are inherent--and everyone is entitled to the representation of legal counsel to assist them.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
As usual, I respectfully dissent. I'm glad you included the Blackstone quote, the epitome of appeasement in these days of the Last Crusade. All of the chips are on the table. It's time for the moment of TRUTH. The American justice system, modeled after the sentiment in that quote, cares more for that than for the truth. It cares more for WINNING one's case than for the truth. It cares more for letting ten (and in the larger case about 730) guilty men go free than convicting a handful of accused terrorists. If the Constitution is indeed the supreme law of the land, even in cases of Law of War commissions, then let us hear from the Supreme Court Justices, who give voice to the document. Let them tell us now and for the future, how these unlawful combatant Islamists who want to kill us should be adjudicated. Roosevelt asked them in 1942 how German Saboteurs should be treated and tried. The response was unanimous. Tried by military commission, without extra legal privileges, without habeas corpus, six of the eight were convicted as spies and then executed by electric chair less than eight weeks after their capture on US soil. What's different now?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - I wish you had used the phrase "days of the Last Crusade" before now, so that I would have been on notice that to you, this is a religious war. No wonder you don't want them to have any rights--you are only concerned about your "TRUTH," which of course has a religious connotation to it, despite the fact that this is a secular nation where everyone has Constitutional rights. Yes, that includes people who believe in other gods than your gods.

It explains why your mind is closed to any explanation besides the one you have arrived at yourself with your Bible as a guide, and why you cannot comprehend the differences in 1942 and today, even though it has been explained to you numerous times. It is why you have this belief that the detainees must somehow "earn" rights, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has said the exact opposite.

It's why you are asking why the Supreme Court doesn't rule on the issues, when they actually have, multiple times. You can't recognize it, even though it's been explained to you here at RP, repeatedly.
LTC James McElreath
LTC James McElreath
6 y
Capt Gregory Pricket,
Do you suppose that we are not providing them with much better treatment than they might give ours? I hope that you are expressing your opinion based on your having served in Iraq or Afghanistan and not what you have read and had possibly observed on tv!! Thank you for your service anyway! I do know what attorneys are all about by the way having been a cop for 25 yrs! The Plaintiff's attorney measures the truth in two ways: how much money he is being paid and how much he has to state his truth to get their client off! In other words if the weight of his discussion is good enough to get the client off he wins and gets paid. The scrot's of society know which attorney they need based on the crime they had committed. This is a win for injustice and greed.
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SSgt Christopher Brose
She doesn't care.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
No, she does not care. Like most attorneys, she is only interested in winning her case, the major flaw in the American justice system. The truth is always secondary to WINNING.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - It seems to me that our criminal justice system is set up to err on the side of "presumed innocence" than "winning". That's why there is such a high burden to "prove" guilt.
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