Posted on Jan 4, 2018
Divided Democrats face liberal backlash on immigration
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
President Trump may be orange and imprecise in his speech, but he is eating the left’s lunch. There game plan is to complain, nothing to advance the well being of the average TAXPAYING” citizens. “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.”
PO1 Richard Cormier
Makes you wonder HOW Congress "earned" their paychecks for the last decade or so. They can't pass a budget on time, can't help CITIZENS but have plenty of time for ILLEGALS. Who pays their salary? CITIZENS.
MCPO Roger Collins
Based on Trump’s economy, DOW 25,000, if this continues, I’m willing to share.
Deport illegals and make them.stand in the back of the line of those who enter LEGALLY. I do not care what age you entered illegally. Illegal should never be rewarded.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
MSgt (Join to see) - So the Dreamers act now becomes a conscription act? No thanks. Military service should be a choice.
Maj John Bell
MSG Stan Hutchison - Every year tens of thousands of people leave their homes and head North. Along the way, thousands fall victim to the elements, natural predators, and human predators. Once they cross the border, once again attrition takes its toll. All because well-meaning, but tragically misguided "good" Samaritans keep putting bait in the trap. Anyone who holds out the promise of amnesty and permanent legal status is a co-conspirator in the deaths, sex trade enslavement, drug trade, and human misery that accompanies illegal entry to the US.
Maj John Bell
MSG Stan Hutchison - You don't think people come here on the hopes that their kids will be included in some kind of dreamer's act...? No nice try about it... As the son of a legal immigrant from Mexico, I can tell you that I have relatives in Mexico who have, or are planning on trying it. I can also tell you that I have relatives who became the victims of human predators. Stop baiting the trap.
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