Posted on Dec 26, 2017
Another circuit court rejects transgender ban, admonishes Trump lawyers
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
When it becomes about you who serves than it does the ability of a units ability to fight, I say it should be ruled in favor if unit ability to be mission capable and not what one feels they are entitled to.
1SG (Join to see)
Oh I forgot one. The freaking fobbits that return home from a deployment and Go straight to the VA to work the system. Get paid for PTSD because they burnt their lips on a cup of coffee eating in a dining facility every day wearing clean clothes and crying that the green bean closed before they could get in line. SSG Addison you know nothing about going into battle and milk the system of those of us who do. Retired? It is youngster abusers that make me sick and think somebody owes you something. You don't need to be able to work with me because you will NEVER be a battlefield worthy individual. So take all your liberal, transgender, LGBTQ ideas and smartly move the F out of my way.
1SG (Join to see)
The fact that I have been on many battlefields over 3+decades makes me a, not the, SME on who should be.
1SG (Join to see)
SSgt Addison R. - You poor lost soul. To think that you can strike a nerve upon me. More like I have gotten into your thought process and now you feel that you must troll my every post and think you have something important to say. Well maybe on here, but please do not think you have a tactical decision ability to even worry with the 5 w's of my service and when I should retire. You have become embolden from the previous leadership and administration to think that the military is YOUR social project. We saw this under Jimmy Carter's appointments. It took a little while for President Reagan to find all the problem makers and replace them with problem solvers. AS it did then, our military will once again focus on the fight and not social political correctness.
1SG (Join to see)
SSgt Addison R. - Oh and when I am outdated, the QRB process will let me know. Not some measly little AF minimum time serving SSG. What the hell do you mean by "Follow my orders"? Who the hell are you to think you give any?
Not a fan of people selectively choosing to change who they were born to be... but anyone willing to take up arms and defend this country is better than those who would suit in comfort not caring about the fight.
1SG (Join to see)
It is not about personal feelings here. You see, you say set personal feelings aside yet that is what this entire conversation is about. It is their personal feelings, that change, today it is "I am female" tomorrow "I am male". When the only question should be is, does this decision make a unit better prepared for the battle or in support of the battle? I say to you that it does not make a support unit or a battle unit better to have one in the ranks that is non mission capable because of a life choice. Sell it how you wish, wanting to change your sexual being from man to woman or vise versa is a choice. Not one I want to deal with as a leader of combat troops and don't need the support guys dealing with that headache when I need bullets food and/or transportation.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
CPL Phillipe Farneti - Please provide evince that your comment is not simply wish fulfillment on your part?
What a wonderful time we live in where we can be so picky about who dies for their country...
SPC David Willis
I'm not entirely certain hormones cant be taken overseas. Its not some magical medical procedure that requires a sterile environment and high tech machinery. All it takes is a bottle of water. Also not every trans person takes hormones so really for some its not even a real issue, surely you knew that... then again maybe you didn't.
1SG Michael Bonnett
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - "No we don't kick out nondeployable servicemembers." Read these....

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System
Understand the IDES.
SPC David Willis
Disabled is different than non deployable. One is a recognized by the ADA the other is not, there's a really good reason for the distinction.
1SG Michael Bonnett
Since you obviously are going to need help on this go to the first link and look at step 11.
Look at "During and After TDRL" for the second link.
How did you make SFC without knowing this? I am guessing you were not in a combat MOS.
Last, pregnancy is a temporary condition and not covered in
Look at "During and After TDRL" for the second link.
How did you make SFC without knowing this? I am guessing you were not in a combat MOS.
Last, pregnancy is a temporary condition and not covered in

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System
Understand the IDES.
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