Posted on Dec 17, 2017
Sen. Graham: 'Incredibly Disappointed' With Terror Suspect's Trial
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
My whole take on this horrible issue is that the US court system gave the terrorists extra judicial protections and rights which even US citizens don't have. These perps are foreigners and suspected terrorists yet they are given benefits of the very legal justice and court system they would annihilate, and which vets fought to preserve. Once again, World Terrorism will use our own rights against US and to put US in a very deep hurt locker. Hoist on our own petard.
Cpl (Join to see)
"Citizen" has a legal definition. The terrorist is a "lawful permanent resident" which means he's not legally a citizen. Considering the US Constitution, Article I Section 8, gives the power of immigration to the US Congress, the executive order which allowed that terrorist into this country was un-Constitutional. What part of "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies" is so hard to understand.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MSG Stan Hutchison - Dear MSG, Congress did not need to declare war. They passed the AUMF; just as good for capturing bad guys and holding them for interrogation and possible prosecution for war crimes. Deciding on your own that Obama was "wrong" for droning an American al Qaeda is nice, but has no legal weight. "Enemy combatant" is a description. Just like "unlawful combatant." It refers to the opposite of a lawful combatant. You are familiar with opposites? Therefore, those who do not follow the Geneva Conventions or Law of Land Warfare are "unlawful," and get ZERO extra legal privileges. Privileges and protected status come with following the rules. You are familiar with rules? How about, "Don't do the crime if you can't pay the time?" Your idea that a Citizen of this country is above the responsibility of citizenship is startling. Rights cannot exist without responsibilities, which must balance for justice to be served. It is true that American justice would rather see a guilty man go free rather than see an innocent man punished, but nothing is perfect. If you break the rules there are consequences, no matter your citizenship. And by the way, in 2013, when then President Obama declared an end to the Global War on Terror it did not mean that the war was over. He didn't rule be decree, although many acted as if he did. Our enemies insisted then, and insist now that we are indeed smack in the middle of a war, declared or not.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MAJ Montgomery Granger - We can have a discussion without you being condescending, can't we?
I will repeat my #4 point from above:
4. I will never support allowing a citizen of this country to be denied his Constitutional rights. That is a very slippery slope to go down.
I will repeat my #4 point from above:
4. I will never support allowing a citizen of this country to be denied his Constitutional rights. That is a very slippery slope to go down.
The democrats fought for the terrorist to be given the same protections afforded american citizens, closing gitmo etc, they can't have it both ways. They should go thru a military trial plain and simple.
SPC Robert Coventry
MCPO, I don't think the constitution covers foreign enemies or combatants. I could be wrong but I think we the people made this an issue.
MCPO Roger Collins
Your Rights as a Permanent Resident
If you have become a lawful permanent resident, congratulations! Read about your rights and responsibilities.
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