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Responses: 4
SSG Steven Mangus
All this rhetoric about Trump, all due to the fact he is an outsider and can't be bought..Trump is my president!
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
Exactly! Hillary has spent an entire career proving she can be bought. Trump already had all the money he could ever want and was living the dream. There's nothing anyone can offer him that he doesn't already have or can't get for himself.
CPO Glenn Moss
CPO Glenn Moss
7 y
Heh! He's Hillary's President, too!

SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
CPO Glenn Moss - Hahaha! When Obama was President, when the subject came up, I would often say, "Hey, he's YOUR President." But I never uttered the words, "He's not my President."
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
7 y
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CPO Glenn Moss
Well, here we go again...a "news" organization starts off an article with a title that makes absolutely no frickin' sense whatsoever.

"Don’t Prosecute Trump. Impeach Him."

NEWS FLASH: To impeach someone is to prosecute them in a trial, by definition.

Given that titles are supposed to grab people's eyes and provide a window into an article, it's important that the title represents the actual content of the article.

THAT SAID: At least the content of the article was pretty much on target as to how a sitting President is to be held legally accountable for his actions...namely, that the instrument is impeachment, not a trial in another (judicial) court.

So, I guess you COULD say that they clarified their opening title. But the effect is to give their article a particular slant, regardless.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
I wonder if it speaks to the intelligence of the writer, the readership, or both? The bias part really isn't in question.
CPO Glenn Moss
CPO Glenn Moss
7 y
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SPC Erich Guenther
New York Times makes a few leaps and unfounded conclusions here. Everything that took place and the scenario the NYT discusses is still perfectly legal. Where it becomes illegal is if the intent of halting the investigation was to protect the President himself or if the investigation was halted for corrupt reasons. Otherwise it is still not an impeachable offense to halt the investigation and fire Comey for not listening to POTUS. It only rises to obstruction of justice if the intent by POTUS (which has to be proven beyond a doubt) was to halt the investigation to protect himself and nobody else. That and only that would fall under high crimes and misdeameanors which is a high bar to meet..........anything else falls short. Throughout this whole public debate the Liberal side of the fence has consistently attempted to lower the legal threshold and honestly they will not succeed because any impeachment has to proceed by the rules set out by the Constitution and not by wishful thinking. One more item is that POTUS can fire Mueller right now and it would not be an impeachable offense or an obstruction of justice unless it was proven later he did so to save his own skin. Democrats can run to the microphone and state otherwise but in the end it is how the Supreme Court will rule and they will follow the Constitution even though the Democrats might not.
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
7 y
They are grabbing at straws faster than they can make them. Their have double and tripled down on stupid from day one. When they actually find something that can be proven and charged nobody will believe it. Their collective hate is emotionally driven and the will only see what they want if its fits their view point. THE NYT is just another useless rag no matter who they support, they are filled with biased opinion not news, I am amazed they are still in print but I guess the homeless need Toilet paper. Every time I hear that Trump is on the ropes and will be gone I think back at all that Baloney about Hillary going to jail and laugh at the stupidity in anyone believing anything will happen with all that corruption.
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