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Responses: 9
SSG Edward Tilton
I hope this isn't a slap on the wrist like Ollie North. He needs to be convicted of a Felony so his pension gets pulled
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SSG Warren Swan
I believe there is more to this. It's been said a few times on different sites that Mulller was going in on his son as a means to get leverage on Flynn. If so, this makes sense, and we haven't begun to scratch the surface on this. Three major player so far, and contradicting testimony from his son in law. Not subscribing to the thought that Trump will go down with the ship, but the longer this goes on, the longer he keeps tweeting his "thoughts" (which sound like guidance), it'll be really interesting for him over the long haul. I do believe these actions will cost him congress which will basically make him a lame duck going forward.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
If we look at trends usually 23 House seats are lost after a president takes office. If so it would be 218 R - 217 D. For the Senate Trump won some surprisingly blue states. There are 10 states with a Democratic incumbent that Donald Trump won in 2016: Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Florida, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania and only one state with a Republican incumbent that was won by Hillary Clinton in 2016: Nevada.

It will be interesting to see what happens as I don't see Russia backing off on their hacking efforts and as many states are broke cyber security could be an issue in state run elections.
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SPC David S.
Edited >1 y ago
While necessary this investigation is assigning. For one Flynn should have been cognizant that his communication with Russian diplomats was more than likely being "monitored" especially considering his role as Director of the DIA. Yet he lied to FBI about a conversation that was recorded. However I have a lot of questions regarding how the investigation has been handled - his name was unmasked and leaked to the press, Comey leaking memos pertaining to meetings with Trump and so on. From an external perspective it seems that there is a residual force still working to keep Flynn's political options limited. I do know undoing the Iran nuke agreement was on his list as he was working on a Russian/Saudi deal.

SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
>1 y
" For one Flynn should have cognizant that his communications with Russian diplomats was being more than likely being "monitored" especially considering his role as Director of the DIA." -So you are saying he was a sloppy crook?
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Just saying the moral high ground in DC is measured in millimeters.
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