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Responses: 9
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
Captain, each of those are debatable because each are based on a liberal's (leftist) point of view. I could debate every one of those easily (and win) because I can understand from where he comes and understand about the socialists and liberals to which he refers to. Many times if one simply has a sense of humor they can see the humor that he uses in his tweets, and if those people who read his tweets who are sitting there with a scowl on their face with their lips pooched out and not about to laugh at nothing would simply look in a mirror, they would see what the POTUS is Tweeting about and what all the Conservatives are laughing at.
Please do not try and come back that the POTUS has his own staff that are complaining, if you look closely you will find that many of his staff were hold overs that he allowed to stay from the previous administration instead of bouncing them out on their overpaid liberal asses. He was being a Businessman and not a politician and that is how they repay him. Typical DC swamp tactics, bite the hand that feeds you. Pelosi and Schumer do it constantly as did KKKlinton and Barry Soetoro.
Capt Kyle Smaagard
Capt Kyle Smaagard
7 y
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM By immediately making this about liberalism vs conservatism you are demonstrating that you haven't seriously considered the points I am trying to make. Also, by belittling people you are demonstrating to me that you don't care to have intellectual discussions and just want to live in a bubble.
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
7 y
Capt Kyle Smaagard - You Sir have proven by your post and this projecting your failure at unbiased thought that you are what you wrote.
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
PO2 Rev. Frederick C. Mullis, AFI, CFM
7 y
Capt Kyle Smaagard - BUBBLE?? Apparently that Ivory Tower you have built does not allow you to see reality as it exists. I shall ask you one direct question, Do you sir know Anyone who worked for Donald Trump before he choose to invest his time into the political arena. Worked at any golf courses, hotels, resorts? Well I do. I know an individual who is an Air Force Vet (a firefighter) who worked with me for a while as he honed his game as a Golf Pro. He is now working at one of the Trump Golf Courses as a Golf Pro. When they saw his abilities, and knew he was a Vet, they snatched him up. He is doing extremely Well and has met not only the POTUS but most of the Family. I also know a General Manager of one of his Hotels. She too is a Vet, and when she was discharged she went back to school got her degree and went to work for Trump Industries and worked herself up. She has been given opportunities for additional schooling paid for by Trump Industries, an excellent pay and benefits package. She met her Husband working there. and she pushes her HR staff to hire as many Vets as they can. So Tell me personally how much YOU know about the POTUS? or how he ran his businesses?? It is about Conservatism and liberalism, and if you cannot see that, You need to go back to school.
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Cpl Jeff N.
So, you have never worked for him or around him and your class at the Air Force Academy now enables you, and qualifies you, remotely, to identify and diagnose a "toxic" leader. That must have been one hell of a class. Did they also teach you how to transport yourself in and around the people he works with to gather this riveting analysis?

It would be very hard to be as successful as he has been and be as toxic as you think he is. Have you bothered to listen to what those that have actually worked for him (past and present) have said about him? That would be a far better barometer than your toxic checklist.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
CMSgt Virgil Horsley - Yes, Wikipedia...School children are not even allowed to use it as a source of any type for a research paper. Having graduated from the USAF academy you would think he would know that and not try to pass it off as a legitimate source.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
7 y
CMSgt Virgil Horsley - I know that I have to take Wikipedia with a huge grain of salt and be skeptical, but I agree with you Chief, Wiki is fun to read. But I would never use it as a source to base an argument on.
Capt Kyle Smaagard
Capt Kyle Smaagard
7 y
Cpl Jeff N. Toxic leadership is nothing that requires an education to identify. I would expect an E1 to be able to identify this stuff.
Successful people can be extremely toxic. Look to Steve Jobs for example. He was an extremely rough person to work for, belittling people all the time. However, he was effective despite that.
Additionally, the argument that Wikipedia is 'not a source' is relatively weak. Again, these are merely a compliation of multiple sources of identifiable traits that toxic leadership is associated with. Are you disagreeing with any of those traits listed in particular? If so, we can have a discussion. If your sole intent is to bash Wikipedia for 'not being a source' (despite citing sources inside the article). Then this really isn't a discussion, you have apparently already made up your mind.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
Capt Kyle Smaagard - Kyle, There are a few issues with your post. only one is that you used source data from a resource that grade students cannot use because it is considered inaccurate and untrustworthy by any serious researcher.

The next is that you are trying to diagnose a "toxic leader" with zero actual experience working for or with the person. That is much akin to our armchair psychiatrists trying to diagnose a patient they have never met.

People define toxicity in different ways and see people differently. Perhaps Steve Jobs was successful because of his leadership style not in spite of it as you seem to think.

People do not get to the top of corporations or build their own or to the top of the political or social structure because they are shrinking violets. They are normally driven, focused, dedicated, hard working, over achievers that some like to throw into the category of toxic leaders to make them feel better, perhaps because of their lack of achievement.

Your diagnosis of Trump is certainly your perspective but trying to act as though you have done some sort of legitimate toxic leader analysis without a nanosecond of exposure to the person or even exposure to those that worked for/with him is a stretch that would make yoga instructors envious.
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1SG Dennis Hicks
Toxic leadership, where was the outrage at 8 years of bumbling Barry and his failure?
Capt Kyle Smaagard
Capt Kyle Smaagard
7 y
1SG Dennis Hicks Not sure where you are finding the 'outrage' in my post. I was merely bringing an intellectual discussion to the table. This has nothing to do with previous presidents.
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
7 y
Sir I was pointing out where was the intellectual discussion for the last President? Be honest instead of hiding behind your attempt at a discussion. Being a leader means saying what you mean not sounding like a lawyer trying to appear fair and UN-biased. I guess you honestly think that no one can see past your comment "SEE TWITTER". Having served over 35 years in uniform I have actually seen Toxic leadership and I will say that Toxic leaders have very few supporters, mostly ass kissing minion seeking to gain power through and under that leader. That's not the case with the current POTUS. SO hiding behind Wikipedia links doesn't make one any more of a leader that what was written.
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