Posted on Nov 26, 2017
Native American Girls Describe the REAL History Behind Thanksgiving | Teen Vogue
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I never quite understand what people want when they do this. Am I now supposed to spend Thanksgiving dressed in sack cloth, covered in ashes, rending my hair and cutting my skin.
My European half is Irish and Scottish. What do those of you who have English and French blood, or Viking Blood OWE me? My Latino half is Mexican, what do those of you who are of Spanish Blood OWE me? I cannot sort it out, but I just know that within the Latino Blood in me, at SOME point in history, somebody conquered my people, and treated them like chattel. So those Latinos that are of that blood, what do you OWE me?
I got news for you. Before the Europeans showed up, the Indian nations were not one big happy socialist family hanging around campfires engaged in communal living, bonfire singing, and tree hugging social justice paradise. There were inter-tribal raids with killing, hostage taking, rape, murder, and genocidal intentions. Fruits of labor were stolen and people were left to die of starvation in hard winters. Human beings have a history of violence and conquest. So quit you damn whining. It happened in everyone's history.
Thanksgiving is about gathering family and friends, enjoying each others company, and for those religious fools like myself, who are not too sophisticated for religion, giving thanks to our personal deity(ies) for the blessing in our every day life.
My European half is Irish and Scottish. What do those of you who have English and French blood, or Viking Blood OWE me? My Latino half is Mexican, what do those of you who are of Spanish Blood OWE me? I cannot sort it out, but I just know that within the Latino Blood in me, at SOME point in history, somebody conquered my people, and treated them like chattel. So those Latinos that are of that blood, what do you OWE me?
I got news for you. Before the Europeans showed up, the Indian nations were not one big happy socialist family hanging around campfires engaged in communal living, bonfire singing, and tree hugging social justice paradise. There were inter-tribal raids with killing, hostage taking, rape, murder, and genocidal intentions. Fruits of labor were stolen and people were left to die of starvation in hard winters. Human beings have a history of violence and conquest. So quit you damn whining. It happened in everyone's history.
Thanksgiving is about gathering family and friends, enjoying each others company, and for those religious fools like myself, who are not too sophisticated for religion, giving thanks to our personal deity(ies) for the blessing in our every day life.
LTC (Join to see)
Maj John Bell -
I was mistaken it wasn't that they get one third no they get 30% less or more taken away compared to what the average public school would get per capita or per student compared to what non-indigenous students get in the big city.
I was mistaken it wasn't that they get one third no they get 30% less or more taken away compared to what the average public school would get per capita or per student compared to what non-indigenous students get in the big city.

Doing the math on the First Nations education funding gap
First Nations children living on reserve receive at least 30 per cent less founding for their education as children under provincial jurisdiction, according to the former chief economist with the TD Bank.
LTC (Join to see)

Report condemns 'systemic' racism toward Indigenous military members
Indigenous members of the Canadian military face "systemic racism," according to a draft report obtained by CBC News that calls for an external review.
LTC (Join to see)
One more thing I have not mentioned, even though the residential schools are no longer around there is something called child welfare that is sort of like the Gestapo that act similarly. If you have kids running amok in the front yard and you're white, most likely social workers won't be coming to your house to take your kids away. If you happen to be native, you can forget it! The social workers will be all over you asking you if you have drinking and drug problems and they will most likely take your kids away and put them in foster care. The social workers get paid bonuses if they do that. You may think this is BS but it does happen. My mother-in-law is a social worker and she was pissed off at my wife and she put the word out to child welfare they started staking out our house. The kids could have been playing outside even though my wife was out there too. They started asking my wife questions asking her if she drank and she told them that she had been sober for more than 22 years. The same social workers also were posted on their Facebook that they were drinking. So they're freaking hypocrites. So the social workers are another way of dividing and conquering the natives. Sure, the some do have drug and drinking problems in their kids need to be put in foster care. So I'm the white man looking in and telling you that it's true. Not sure if it's a hundred percent sure the United States but I'm just telling you from the Alberta Canada point of view. So even if you live in the city, you have to worry about the Gestapo like tactics of the social workers.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
In fact, Thanksgiving is intended to give thanks to God. Natives taught Pilgrims how to grow local food, but in the end, when the Pilgrims had torn up the socialist Mayflower Compact and began using a more capitalist economy, the Pilgrims shared their surpluses with the Native Americans, and then trade took off, between the indigenous people and the Europeans.
Part of the blame of why indigenous people have it so bad is because their own Chief and counselors are not held to the same standards as people outside the reserve in Canada. For a few years, indigenous reserves had to show their books to government auditors. Recently, prime minister Trudeau resend that regulation and now the corruption continues in many Reserves. This is not help the rank-and-file Native.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
It's an interesting dilemma. I think there's enough blame to go around. I'm not going to tell anyone what to do, but assimilating doesn't mean you have to give up who you are, or who you think you have to be. Many immigrants have successfully assimilated, but have successfully retained a connection to their heritage. As Americans we can all point to several if not many different links to other lands and cultures. The beauty of America is that all should be respected who contribute.
LTC (Join to see)
Thank you for explaining that. I guess Teen Vogue is a basically a glamorous version of Mother Jones to indoctrinate new teams into the new left. I understand your frustration. I guess deliver publish anything from conservative Digest or u.s. News & World Report in Teen Vogue.
LTC (Join to see)
CMSgt (Join to see) - yeah Teen Vogue pushes that agenda, then you're right it's pushing the extreme left. I just wanted to give you a fair and balanced view. I'm not trying to copy Fox News because of stuff that I'm quoting is actually from the National Post, Globe and Mail and the Edmonton Journal. I also have posted the 2008 Canadian government apology to indigenous peoples.
CMSgt (Join to see)
I have no doubt indigenous peoples of Canada have their hardships and adversity. Thank you for illuminating their plight within the Canadian society. There's no question all minorities face unique challenges.
LTC (Join to see)
CMSgt (Join to see) - it's even sad that those who try to join the military are sometimes made up fun of as well. In this link somewhere is the indigenous soldiers mocked by others within their ranks. I hope this is not happen in the US Military. As you know, it was the Marines who discovered that the Navajo language was unique and a save any lives in World War II e. I'm sure you've seen code talkers. Prior to that, the natives were punished for speaking their language. My wife calls it cultural genocide which is fairly true.
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