Posted on Nov 14, 2017
Syria tries 'terrorist rehab' to deradicalize ISIS militants
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Islamist movements have been politically significant in most Muslim countries primarily because they articulate political and social grievances better than do the established secular parties. The secular parties need to be strengthened to help curd the extremist ideologies from taking control. If the failures of the secular parties are not addressed expect more fundamentalist.
Why is there t people th no a bullet or bomb will solve any solution for any issues like this. I for one want all humans to be able to be given the chance to change and be a better human than what they’ve been allowed to be. Not all people who join these types of organizations are doing out of hate, some might be forced to or even desperation. Jesus would want to do this same thing and I for one would follow him and his ways to retrain the minds of these folks. Enough is enough.
A1C John R Wooton
A whip is one thing, but bombs and bullets are another. The whip can bring pain and shame which does work to change a point of view or humiliation as well. But the point is enough of the killing. Re-education is a much better solution.
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