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Responses: 4
SSG Diane R.
The man who sexually assaulted me in 1991 made four-Star rank before finally coming under scrutiny during the later days of the Obama administration. 26 women came forward to testify against him.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
7 y
Hopefully they put him away for a very long time.
AA Joseph Moody
AA Joseph Moody
7 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - As wrong as this sounds...I can wrap my mind around the pedophile, I don't approve of it, but I get the concept of they have an attraction/obsession and they are doing them.

But when I look back or even in the news at the current events, I am just unable to grasp is how there are some...cysts of culture that they occasionally find that just turns a blind eye to them. Looking back that is the one thing I was never able to wrap my mind around. Because if nothing else as an intellectual exercise I can grasp the concept that someone is sick, and yeah I've some of my own mental health problems so to an extent I can understand someone having a problem...but what does it say when things like this are an open secret? I just can't wrap my head around the head space of someone who knows that is going on and refuses to do anything about it even when confronted with it. Which was something I got to witness in my school on more then one occasion. Granted it was only three occasions but still...
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
7 y
AA Joseph Moody - we all have our demons to wrestle with, some more than others.
AA Joseph Moody
AA Joseph Moody
7 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - I'm going through some forums now on this topic and it is depressing how often someone cites out that it was an open secret or that others knew and did nothing.
I've got 42 more accounts on a forum to parse before I reach my goal but...the frequency of how often others knew in these situations is something I think that needs addressed as much if not more then the crime itself.
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CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Slow-roasted and then, pickled before delivering him to Hades dressed in black, stinky roses. This Officer forgot MacArthur's tenants and his Code, for which he deserves to be punished.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Sad when a person of this level of rank stoops this low.
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