Posted on Nov 1, 2017
Tom Steyer's impeachment petition gets over 1 million signatures in first week
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
a Million? I thought there were at least Ten Million loons out there on retainer. I treat petitions like the polls, worthless, the loons on the right tried to get Barry the whole time he was in with petitions, etc and nothing happened. I will predict the same with this PR stunt. Most Americans have no idea what Impeachment means let alone how it will affect anything. Its just a placebo for the perpetually triggered.
1SG Dennis Hicks
MSgt Stephen Council - But did you subtract the dead, Illegal aliens and multi signers on the petition ? :)
CPT Jack Durish Yeah, And just like typical voting in the party of democrats, a great many of the signatures likely came from dead people and non voting illegal immigrants.
I wonder how many of u right wingers complained about a certain trump trying to make the case that the president was not a U.S citizen
CPT Jack Durish
MSgt Stephen Council - I don't think that many of us wanted Donald Trump to be President. I sure as hell didn't. I was extremely disappointed when each of the GOP contenders dropped by the wayside during the primaries. However, when faced with the choice of Hillary or Trump, well there really wasn't a choice, was there? And despite his vulgarity and boorishness, he is doing a lot that I really like now. In many ways he's surprised me. I'm now left to wonder how much more he might do if the crybabies would just get over it...
SGT (Join to see)
I looked at an experienced woman and a inexperienced man, who was already known to have lied, and said to urself I’ll take the lier, he will tell me what I want to hear
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