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Responses: 9
PO2 Gerry Tandberg
Edited 7 y ago
From my perspective I agree with nearly all of Trump's agenda items. However, I do not always appreciate the way Trump conducts himself as POTUS. The only positive side to that conduct is you know where he stands. Trump is proposing a change of direction that will bring us back into alignment with what the founding fathers had in mind when they declared our independence from Great Britain, established our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It’s going to be a long and hard struggle because half of our nation has bought into a more progressive European style nanny state form of governance where we live in a society where the government takes care of us from cradle to grave. It simply can not work in a country as large and diverse as the United States with an influx of immigrants of every ethnic origin that likely out numbers the population of some Western European Countries. Then there is the graft and corruption so prevalent within our government that has gotten out of control and needs to be address. In the words of Phil Robinson, Trump has done remarkable in his first nine months as POTUS. Would I vote for him again? If we are only given the same cast of presidential candidates, and HRC is also running, yes I’d vote for him again.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited 7 y ago
Are you surprised? Not me. First, consider the question. Do you approve of President Trump? Actually, no, I don't. Still, I thank God every day that he isn't Hillary Clinton. President Trump has succeeded in diverse careers such as real estate development and entertainment by learning the skills needed to succeed in each. He now needs to learn how to be President. He has a way to go. Secondly, I'm not surprised by the results of this survey because the vast majority of those on active duty are of the same age as those in college. They've been exposed to the same propaganda and indoctrination. Of course they lack any understanding of traditional American values. Indeed, they have been taught to despise them. Also, senior ranks, especially flag officers, are very political appointments and the Obama Administration took great pains to cull those who were not amenable to the Progressive Leftist ideology that President Obama built his his legacy upon. Thus, I believe this survey is likely fair and serves as a warning and a challenge.
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MCPO Roger Collins
From my perspective, the military times family of media leans left. Use the approximate ratio of conservative to liberal on RP. Many of us wish he would get off Twitter, but all the progress being made offsets the self induced pain.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
It may be that the Military Times family of media leans left. I'm sure that they have been influenced by the "journalists" who have served on their staff, all trained in the same universities that have turned out the "journalists" writing for Leftist rags. Still, as I say in my response to this discussion thread, I am not surprised by the results of their survey and find them entirely plausible.
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