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Responses: 4
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited 7 y ago
Screw that guy. The supreme court has ruled in favor of gay marriages and congress has passed laws regarding gay marriages and federal benefits. Who gaf what this guy thinks personally? At retirement spouses get certificates. That's the tradition. Commanders dont get tp pick and choose which ones he'll sign or not. If the cdr was catholic would he deny certificates to spouses who have divorced and remarried? What if he didnt feel comfortable "endorsing" interracial marriages? Those certificates are not religious documents. If the col cant support federal law he should get out. He sure shouldnt get promoted
LT Charles Baird
LT Charles Baird
7 y
The certificate in question is optional and not mandatory to be given or signed by anyone - when I retired from service my spouse did not get one so should I file suit against the commander that did not sign it and present it to her.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
Of course not. But if it is an option a cdr should not have the ability to selectively sign or not sign based upon his personal feelings about a subordinates spouse. By doing so he is publicly dicriminating against a servicemember while in his capacity as a commander.
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PO3 Business Advisement
You can tell me to man battle stations. You can not tell me I have to love and condone Same-sex Marriage.
MSgt Danny Hope
MSgt Danny Hope
7 y
It's the government...they can certainly try
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MSgt George Cater
He should not have to personally ‘endorse’ it. All he has to do is obey and enforce orders.
I didn’t vote for and hardly ‘endorsed’ Clinton, but I served faithfully under him until I retired. I’m sure may did the same under BHO.
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