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Responses: 2
SrA Katherine McKay
Edited 8 mo ago
Had a rough time with long COVID myself. Here's what I did to feel a bit better, all easy on the wallet. First, I felt super tired all the time. Drinking more water and walking a bit every day helped me not feel so drained.

Then, there was this foggy feeling in my head, making it hard to think. I tried omega-3 pills (those fish oil capsules), and they actually helped clear my mind a bit. Also, making a small to-do list for each day helped me stay sharp.

What helped me the most was meldonium mildronate. It's a supplement used to enhance energy and physical endurance. It contributed very positively to my overall energy levels and recovery process. Got it from https://www.meldonium-store.com/en-gb/meldonium-mildronate-500mg.
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SFC Stephen King
MAJ Montgomery Granger thank you for the information about Long covid I appreciate it
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
Hooah! Thank you. Be advised, RallyPoint has tag censors who do not allow "COVID" as a tag. Even when 'Coronavirus,' 'COVID' or 'COVID-19' are part of the title of a story, I am not allowed to include those words as tags. I have been censored and suspended from RallyPoint for using them.
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