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Responses: 4
MCPO Roger Collins
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
People tend to forget that until the fall of the Shah, Iran was a staunch ally. I flew with a pilot who had been an Air Attache to Iran and he had nothing but good words to say about the people and country. While the Shah's overthrow was probably for valid reasons the Islamic extremists that came to power did all that they could to eliminate all western influence, especially American. These were the politicians that created the atmospphere that led to the taking of American hostages, created sanctions on their country and led to the hatred of Iran that we see in the US today.
Fortunately the pro western faction that remained in Iran was able to moderate the views of the extremists and install more tollerable governments over the years. Unfortunately the pro western faction is aging and the youth of Iran has seen and heard nothing about the West other than what comes from Islamic radicals and Islamic fundamentalists. By even hinting that the US will withdraw from the nuclear deal agreed upon by world leaders Trump is playing into the hand of those Islamist's who preach that the West, and America in particular, can't be trusted. Soon those in Iran who worked with the US will be gone and the remaining Iranians have seen and heard nothing but you can't trust the US.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
Actually the youth of Iran are very favourably disposed towards America and Europe in general. This is probably why the Aging leadership is becoming somewhat more vehement in their rhetoric and extreme in their policies. It cannot last as they pass from history.

IMHO, America's best strategy is simply to wait them out.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
7 y
Think we are both saying the same thing. The generation that either hates or loves the west is is passing. We need to do everything possible not to turn away those who are favorably disposed to the west.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
But it makes you wonder when Iran and North Korea our trading partners and sharing missile and possibly nuclear technology. The September 9th 2017 Economist magazine discussed how Iran and North Korea can share weapons by passing the Embargo by putting them on a railroad that links China Russia North Korea and Iran. They can also put them on a large transport plane and shift the technology such as nuclear warheads to Iran and those are what they don't want you to see inside the military nuclear facilities that Iran has said the iaea can't come into. You can't blame Donald Trump on this one, because I don't believe the Iranians at all. They say they want to destroy Israel and what better way than getting nuclear weapons from North Korea!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
7 y
If you say so.
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CPT Jack Durish
I honestly don't know where people get the idea that President Trump is angling for a war with Iran. It seems that this is just another slice in the attempt to destroy his Administration with the death of a thousand cuts. The hysterical mob that promote such things don't believe that President Trump or We the People are smart enough to figure out that an idea cannot be killed by destroying a people or their nation. It must be destroyed in the hearts and minds of people by exposing its fallacies and then destroying those who remain dedicated to its evil. Thanks to the appeasement of the past eight years, the cancer of religious fanaticism has metastasized like a cancer and spread even to these shores. It won't be brought under control overnight.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - I have been concerned for the past several decades. Indeed, Donald Trump's election has provided some respite from the unrelenting concern of watching our fearless leaders in the District of Calamity lead us to the brink of war and beyond. The worst was President Obama's policy of appeasement, especially as in regards the Islamic Terrorists. If anything, I'm glad to see America's enemies having reason to fear for a change.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
7 y
Did you miss the news about all the drone strikes that took out terrorist leaders? Oh......and there was that little matter of Osama Bin Laden. Obama appeased the heck out of that guy.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - President Obama was forced into the attack on Bin Laden. As a Senator he fought against the pursuit of Bin Laden. As President he delayed the pursuit until he couldn't any longer. To the last he was reluctant to pull the trigger but the political pressures were too intense. Now let's deal in reality. He opened his Administration with a grand tour of the Middle East bowing and scraping before foreign potentates (commonly known as the Obama Apology Tour). He attempted to defang Israel while supporting Arab nations. Finally, he ended his Administration with a "deal" that delivered a boatload of money to Iran and gave them permission to continue developing weapons (just keep it on the low down). No, don't tease me with such easy targets. President Obama emboldened our enemies. He refused to acknowledge the threat that arose (ISIS) when he withdrew American forces precipitously from Iraq. Imagine if we had left a trigger force there as we did in Germany and Korea. Then again, I don't suppose you can imagine it...
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - You poor benighted soul. Bush instituted the hunt for Bin Laden over the objection of Senators including Obama. The final scene played out as a logical consequence of Bush's plan. Bin Laden was always a target. But your hate and indoctrination will never permit you to see it. That's why I will waste no more time with you on this matter. Live in ignorance. It really is a blissful place...
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