Posted on Oct 12, 2017
Army to bring back WWII-era uniforms in lieu of WWII-era victory
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I like the idea of officers getting to wear their branch insignia again on the collar. Too bad they didn't change the ACUs to have that option. Too many of us are sitting around asking, "so what branch are you?" For those if us who are old enough to remember, it was such a time saver to know by looking what someone's specialty was. Even when I was enlisted, we use to pin on the subdue officer branch insignia to our ear plug cases that hung from the button hole on our BDU jackets. Totally unauthorized but no one asked me what I do for a living.
Next year, we're bringing back the Revolutionary War era look (looks really good) Just stand us in a line and shoot us. Lol
CPL Dave Hoover
PO3 Steven Sherrill, gotta remember the head gear and let's not forget this camouflage wigs
Yea, they don't call it army green for nothing. Let the marines keep their black uniforms. Back when I was in it was still green. When did they change to black? And why? Who was the smart guy who thought, let make them stand at attention for only God knows how long in a colour that attracts heat?? Lol
SPC Brett Curry
Sorry, color cld have the dress blues thinking about it. Man I'm getting old...
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