SPC Brett Curry

SPC Brett Curry

Dates of Service: no date specified
80% Complete
27 Contacts
Influence Score: 146,056
637 out of 868,041 Veterans
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I have continued my love for weapons since I got out. I was a police tactics instructor at night ,ran a company called D&B tile the day. I train in hand to hand combat, weapons retention, impact weapons, knife defense/offeense, fire arms training. I am a widower. The hard life has taken it's toll. I'm on disability threw the,,,,the VA and full disability through SSA. The worst job ive ever had.

Military Experiences

Jan 1989 - Jan 1993
542nd Maint
Arms room specialist
When I was there, we did all of the arms room inspection on every single weapon for 2nd of the 75th and 3rd of the first SF. We did RSE and SFSE. Ranger Support element, special forces Support element. I had to get the highest GPA in 45b school to get this station. Only the best Support the Best..
May 1989 - Jun 1989
Weapons specialist
I got the highest GPA in 45b class in yrs. I was selected to go help work on the sear for the M16A2 and the 3 round burst. And also worked on the barretta 9mm mwo, modified work order, to solve the problem of the military grain ammo cracking the slides. They wld crack and fly off of the lower receiver hitting soldiers in the face. We solved the problem by replacing the hammer pin with a half moon pin that rode in a grove cut in the slide so when it cracked it cldn't come off...
All of this before being permanently assigned to 542nd assured Support. They want the best to support the best.


(1 year, 6 months)
Sep 1992 - Nov 1992
South korea
South Korea
Operation Team Sperate. Done every yr to show N. Korea how fast we can deploy to the 38th parrallel....
May 1990 - Jul 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
I'm sure I have the exact months wrong. But things I will never forget. We sat at FOB viper. Anything broke we fixed it asap. When the ground war started, we ran with, and Combat patched with 24th Mec ID. An experience I will never forget. U don't know what a tank division is capable of until you see it first hand.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 1989 - Mar 1989

Basic training Missouri

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Mar 1989 - May 1989

AIT 45B small arms



Expert marksman


Small arms specialist

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2002 - 2013

Police Tactics Instructors of America

Police tactics instructor

1994 - 1995

ITT Technical Institute

CAD degree, Computer assisted design and grafics

Personal Information

Zimg 7695 CampingExploring logo ExploringFighting logo FightingHelp HelpHunting logo HuntingLearning logo LearningMartial arts logo Martial Arts5ab7caaa MotorcyclesOutdoors logo Outdoorsreal love ..standing up for what i believe in even if that means standing aloneTeaching logo TeachingWeapons logo Weapons
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