Posted on Oct 11, 2017
Why Colin Kaepernick Took a Knee (US Army Veteran, Nate Boyer)
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
Like what the SGT said what the men and women of color are going through not everyone of us are. Colin Kaepernick is not kneeling and disrespecting the flag, he is kneeling to try and gain some recognition for the problems that need to addressed. So please stop saying he is disrespecting the flag and this country because he isn't in my eyes.
SSG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - well, off the top of my head I can think of somebody who got the message out and didn't wear police pig socks.
SSG (Join to see)
or the ridiculous shirts he wore to press conferences. This is the guy your siding with, someone who is being militant to the police and the flag. I'm sorry, but, I gotta say you need to reevaluate your fighting position. The guy in your hole isn't the one your looking for.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
For protest to be effective it has to to be noticed. This is the only one that has truly been peaceful and it has brought about a conversation, so it is effective. Protest is never going to be comfortable if it were it would be ignored. MLK would approve.
SSG (Join to see)
your confusing justice for revenge. The numbers for starters, don't match up with the claims, blm isn't this peaceful group you think it is or that Jackson or Sharpton represent black people (here's a tip, they represent themselves). The problem is the culture (which isn't completely bad) that is allowed to fester in those communities. Police aren't the reason violent crime are higher in black communities when compared to others. The problem is deeper. The reason people "don't care" (a ridiculous notion really) isn't because their white, it's because they can count.
2017 Lethal force used by police:
White 366
Black 175
Hispanic 143
Other 27
Unknown 59
So, when silly people make claims that blacks are twice as likely to die by police brutality, it's simple math on why your wrong. You fix the culture, you fix the problem.
2017 Lethal force used by police:
White 366
Black 175
Hispanic 143
Other 27
Unknown 59
So, when silly people make claims that blacks are twice as likely to die by police brutality, it's simple math on why your wrong. You fix the culture, you fix the problem.
Let me put it to you this way SGT. First and foremost. You do not have the authority to tell or suggest to another to kneel during the American National Anthem or our Standard, our Colors, and our Flag. If we are at the grave site and honoring our fallen, we stand at attention immediately at the passing of our colors and the music of our, my, National Anthem. CK's protest is based off of a false narrative portrayed by media outlets. No SGT not news; a for hire media agency that created a narrative to continue a divide that a disgraceful former president created. Police do not target blacks young men. Yes there is a disproportionate rate if police vs blacks and police vs white young men reported. Police on white young men activity WILL NOT raise advertisement dollars. It will not get on the air and force fed down the viewing publics throat. Be that NCO and research the facts yourself. Get your face off of YouTube and off the publicity trail and out sweat equity into the truth of what is happening in impoverished America. If any of these or you reading think that protesting our Flag and our Anthem will raise positive awareness to any social problem. You are dumber than the most idiotic person participating in these disgraceful acts.
Two negatives will never ever equal a positive.
Tell me what America and or the Flag has to do with, if it is your belief that police target black men. Does any one agency or any one officer have sole rights and or custody of the Flag. If this is your claim, who states that they operate in the name of Americans.
I say it is because you, you all who fail to educate yourselves on what the Flag really is. What the Flag stands for. Who the Flag stands for. Where the Flag stands. When it stands. How it encompasses only the good in each and every single being on this earth.
For one to be so shallow as to place all this blame on our Flag and our Anthem only shows you have not the mental capacity to understand the true meaning of America.
I am an American and I embrace the spirit of all that is good about us all, collectively. I learned from mistakes of those from our past that hatred of one for skin color, creed, religion or whatever difference you may dream of is not going to make my life better, but will eat at your soul. I learned that we all should be willing to listen when you communicate with respect and in a peaceful tone to any divisive issue.
This country nor I am by no means perfect. You are not a perfect person either. So look deep in yourself before you react.
If you do an act that offends just one, how on earth do you think your act should take priority.
Football is a game and if it came down to it, We the people can survive without it.
Think now. Think hard!!
Can this world survive without America? I boldly tell you no. The world would become so unstable and fall into total chaos.
So saying that, allow me to introduce you to my American Flag.
I am the Flag
I am the flag of the United States of America.
I was born on June 14, 1777, in Philadelphia.
There the Continental Congress adopted my stars and stripes as the national flag.
My thirteen stripes alternating red and white, with a union of thirteen white stars in a field of blue, represented a new constellation, a new nation dedicated to the personal and religious liberty of mankind.
Today fifty stars signal from my union, one for each of the fifty sovereign states in the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known.
My colors symbolize the patriotic ideals and spiritual qualities of the citizens of my country.
My red stripes proclaim the fearless courage and integrity of American men and boys and the self-sacrifice and devotion of American mothers and daughters.
My white stripes stand for liberty and equality for all.
My blue is the blue of heaven, loyalty, and faith.
I represent these eternal principles: liberty, justice, and humanity.
I embody American freedom: freedom of speech, religion, assembly, the press, and the sanctity of the home.
I typify that indomitable spirit of determination brought to my land by Christopher Columbus and by all my forefathers - the Pilgrims, Puritans, settlers at James town and Plymouth.
I am as old as my nation.
I am a living symbol of my nation's law: the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
I voice Abraham Lincoln's philosophy: "A government of the people, by the people,for the people."
I stand guard over my nation's schools, the seedbed of good citizenship and true patriotism.
I am displayed in every schoolroom throughout my nation; every schoolyard has a flag pole for my display.
Daily thousands upon thousands of boys and girls pledge their allegiance to me and my country.
I have my own law—Public Law 829, "The Flag Code" - which definitely states my correct use and display for all occasions and situations.
I have my special day, Flag Day. June 14 is set aside to honor my birth.
Americans, I am the sacred emblem of your country. I symbolize your birthright, your heritage of liberty purchased with blood and sorrow.
I am your title deed of freedom, which is yours to enjoy and hold in trust for posterity.
If you fail to keep this sacred trust inviolate, if I am nullified and destroyed, you and your children will become slaves to dictators and despots.
Eternal vigilance is your price of freedom.
As you see me silhouetted against the peaceful skies of my country, remind yourself that I am the flag of your country, that I stand for what you are - no more, no less.
Guard me well, lest your freedom perish from the earth.
Dedicate your lives to those principles for which I stand: "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I was created in freedom. I made my first appearance in a battle for human liberty.
God grant that I may spend eternity in my "land of the free and the home of the brave" and that I shall ever be known as "Old Glory," the flag of the United States of America.
Two negatives will never ever equal a positive.
Tell me what America and or the Flag has to do with, if it is your belief that police target black men. Does any one agency or any one officer have sole rights and or custody of the Flag. If this is your claim, who states that they operate in the name of Americans.
I say it is because you, you all who fail to educate yourselves on what the Flag really is. What the Flag stands for. Who the Flag stands for. Where the Flag stands. When it stands. How it encompasses only the good in each and every single being on this earth.
For one to be so shallow as to place all this blame on our Flag and our Anthem only shows you have not the mental capacity to understand the true meaning of America.
I am an American and I embrace the spirit of all that is good about us all, collectively. I learned from mistakes of those from our past that hatred of one for skin color, creed, religion or whatever difference you may dream of is not going to make my life better, but will eat at your soul. I learned that we all should be willing to listen when you communicate with respect and in a peaceful tone to any divisive issue.
This country nor I am by no means perfect. You are not a perfect person either. So look deep in yourself before you react.
If you do an act that offends just one, how on earth do you think your act should take priority.
Football is a game and if it came down to it, We the people can survive without it.
Think now. Think hard!!
Can this world survive without America? I boldly tell you no. The world would become so unstable and fall into total chaos.
So saying that, allow me to introduce you to my American Flag.
I am the Flag
I am the flag of the United States of America.
I was born on June 14, 1777, in Philadelphia.
There the Continental Congress adopted my stars and stripes as the national flag.
My thirteen stripes alternating red and white, with a union of thirteen white stars in a field of blue, represented a new constellation, a new nation dedicated to the personal and religious liberty of mankind.
Today fifty stars signal from my union, one for each of the fifty sovereign states in the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known.
My colors symbolize the patriotic ideals and spiritual qualities of the citizens of my country.
My red stripes proclaim the fearless courage and integrity of American men and boys and the self-sacrifice and devotion of American mothers and daughters.
My white stripes stand for liberty and equality for all.
My blue is the blue of heaven, loyalty, and faith.
I represent these eternal principles: liberty, justice, and humanity.
I embody American freedom: freedom of speech, religion, assembly, the press, and the sanctity of the home.
I typify that indomitable spirit of determination brought to my land by Christopher Columbus and by all my forefathers - the Pilgrims, Puritans, settlers at James town and Plymouth.
I am as old as my nation.
I am a living symbol of my nation's law: the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
I voice Abraham Lincoln's philosophy: "A government of the people, by the people,for the people."
I stand guard over my nation's schools, the seedbed of good citizenship and true patriotism.
I am displayed in every schoolroom throughout my nation; every schoolyard has a flag pole for my display.
Daily thousands upon thousands of boys and girls pledge their allegiance to me and my country.
I have my own law—Public Law 829, "The Flag Code" - which definitely states my correct use and display for all occasions and situations.
I have my special day, Flag Day. June 14 is set aside to honor my birth.
Americans, I am the sacred emblem of your country. I symbolize your birthright, your heritage of liberty purchased with blood and sorrow.
I am your title deed of freedom, which is yours to enjoy and hold in trust for posterity.
If you fail to keep this sacred trust inviolate, if I am nullified and destroyed, you and your children will become slaves to dictators and despots.
Eternal vigilance is your price of freedom.
As you see me silhouetted against the peaceful skies of my country, remind yourself that I am the flag of your country, that I stand for what you are - no more, no less.
Guard me well, lest your freedom perish from the earth.
Dedicate your lives to those principles for which I stand: "One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I was created in freedom. I made my first appearance in a battle for human liberty.
God grant that I may spend eternity in my "land of the free and the home of the brave" and that I shall ever be known as "Old Glory," the flag of the United States of America.
1SG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - Again, I wasn't selling you anything and I am not here to be voted up, down, blocked or not. As to the SGT in civilian clothing or not, He used his military connection to gain status in his connection to CK. He did so by identifying himself as Sergeant. A quote from the Army's NCO Creed for you "I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety."
I did not ask you to agree with my methods. You absolutely got upset because you felt you were disrespected. Think about the blatant visual over and over disrespect of the Flag.
So you truly believe that poverty is the driving force behind blacks killing blacks in housing projects. Is that your true belief. Have you ever worked the narcotics scene and gang crimes? Have you seen the thousand upon thousands of dollars that are in the hands of these young black male, Hispanics and white gang personnel. it is not because they are poor and impoverished. It is because they prey upon their community and place them in fear so that they can move product. It is about real estate. Safe areas to fence stolen property, drugs and prostitute young ladies.
Again, if you make an argument that SGT Boyer has a right to free speech then I am entitled to the same protections under the law. I am not in uniform, nor are you. This is not a government/military facility or sanctioned website. We are Prickett and Boyd. What say you?
I did not ask you to agree with my methods. You absolutely got upset because you felt you were disrespected. Think about the blatant visual over and over disrespect of the Flag.
So you truly believe that poverty is the driving force behind blacks killing blacks in housing projects. Is that your true belief. Have you ever worked the narcotics scene and gang crimes? Have you seen the thousand upon thousands of dollars that are in the hands of these young black male, Hispanics and white gang personnel. it is not because they are poor and impoverished. It is because they prey upon their community and place them in fear so that they can move product. It is about real estate. Safe areas to fence stolen property, drugs and prostitute young ladies.
Again, if you make an argument that SGT Boyer has a right to free speech then I am entitled to the same protections under the law. I am not in uniform, nor are you. This is not a government/military facility or sanctioned website. We are Prickett and Boyd. What say you?
1SG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - You sir are the one losing your bearing if you had any. Not only that, you now make accusations that I act inappropriate in order to gain benefit. I have not tried to quiet CK. I have made a statement as to his divisive attack on a Flag.
and how it does not, I SAY AGAIN, does nothing to PROMOTE his claim.
Catch up with the facts of today Mr. [login to see] 16505/
And you Mr. are a defense attorney who has zero, again I say zero regard for getting to the truth. Your sole purpose is lessening the blow on someone who has caused harm to another, damage to another's property. We absolutely disagree. No need to reply any more as this is my last one to you. I just thought your lying post deserved a factual representation that Georgia Officers do fuck up and when they do, they get treated like the perps they choose to be. Lets create a world where attorneys are held to the same standard of truth in the courtroom. Where would our justice system be then. Good day Captian!
and how it does not, I SAY AGAIN, does nothing to PROMOTE his claim.
Catch up with the facts of today Mr. [login to see] 16505/
And you Mr. are a defense attorney who has zero, again I say zero regard for getting to the truth. Your sole purpose is lessening the blow on someone who has caused harm to another, damage to another's property. We absolutely disagree. No need to reply any more as this is my last one to you. I just thought your lying post deserved a factual representation that Georgia Officers do fuck up and when they do, they get treated like the perps they choose to be. Lets create a world where attorneys are held to the same standard of truth in the courtroom. Where would our justice system be then. Good day Captian!
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
1SG (Join to see) You obviously did not read the first part of my post. I said that most LEO's are good, I come from a family of LEO's. My father, my brother, son and niece are all in law enforcement and I grew up around law enforcement. You are choosing to close your eyes to the big picture. Yes there is gang activity in areas, but not all blacks are in gangs, just like there are entire police departments that run on a policy of racism. That doesn't mean that every police force is bad and doesn't mean that every officer is bad what it means is that there is a much bigger world out there than the one that surrounds your area. We still have sundown towns here in my state even though it is unspoken and ours has started to become one again. And yes Trump and his rhetoric has influenced it they were hidden and had been ran out of this town in the 80's and were happy to stay out of town in Mena where they were free to act like they wanted without any blowback. Now they feel emboldened and comfortable speaking their views outloud and in public. They don't feel like they need to hide anymore and they cite Trump as the one that has given them freedom again. This is why the white supremacist love him so much. This is why It was said on David Duke's show "a wonderful thing has happened... we have taken over the Republican Party."
When bad cops kill or beat POC they make it more dangerous for good cops, the same goes for when bad POC shoot officers. The good ones become afraid and then innocent people are killed either because a good cop is inexperienced and fires too soon or a black person is too afraid to follow the officers instructions and it leads to a deadly encounter. To many young officers are not trained well enough in desclation the POC are civillians and without joint community involve the they cannot be expected to know how to react or trust Leo's. no I believe that most officers are good but there is a problem and it needs to be addressed and it's not.
When bad cops kill or beat POC they make it more dangerous for good cops, the same goes for when bad POC shoot officers. The good ones become afraid and then innocent people are killed either because a good cop is inexperienced and fires too soon or a black person is too afraid to follow the officers instructions and it leads to a deadly encounter. To many young officers are not trained well enough in desclation the POC are civillians and without joint community involve the they cannot be expected to know how to react or trust Leo's. no I believe that most officers are good but there is a problem and it needs to be addressed and it's not.
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