SSG David Antonelli

SSG David Antonelli

Dates of Service: Jul 1986 - Aug 2008
77% Complete
37 Contacts
Influence Score: 19,765
3,096 out of 868,090 Veterans
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  • PVT Jul 86
  • PV2 Oct 86
  • PFC Apr 87
  • SPC Nov 87
  • SGT Sep 90
  • SSG Sep 94

Recent Activity  -


3 yrs exp. as an Avionics Tech on PC-12, U28, 146A, and M28 Fix wing aircraft:3 yrs exp. as Production Control of 10 UH-60 & 30 OH-58D Helicopters at Bn level; 14 yrs exp. as an Av/Elect. Supervisor UH-1H, OH-58, UH-60, CH-47 and OH-58D; 22 yrs exp. on UH-1H, OH-58, UH-60, CH-47 and OH-58D Helicopters, intermediate and phase maint.;9 yrs exp. as Quality Control TI with limited orders on UH-1H, OH-58, UH-60, CH-47 and OH-58D Helicopters

Military Experiences

Jun 2005 - Mar 2008
4-6 ACS
Production Control NCOIC
As the Production Control NCOIC for the 4/6 Air Cavalry Squadron., my duties and responsibilities included the overall evaluation, studies and preparation of special reports in support of 30 OH-58D and 10 UH-60 l helicopters. I directly supervised 109 military personnel and 8 civilian contractors and was accountable for $30,000,000 of facilities and equipment. I also served as the Field Officer of the Day, NCO, representing the Commanding General, managing critical information and reports. I have knowledge and experience in reducing the critical time during normal and emergency situations. I played a major role in Operations Security during daily operations. I have keen knowledge of physical security and leadership skills.
Jan 2004 - May 2005
Avionics Technical Inspector
While deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraq Freedom 2 (OIF 2), I preformed duties as an Avionics Technical Inspection assigned to Divisional Cavalry Squadron. I was responsible for flight worthiness and mission readiness of 16 OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Helicopters valued at over 67 million dollars. I assisted in troubleshooting, diagnosing and repair of the aircraft armament and avionics subsystems at the Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) Level.
Dec 2003 - Dec 2004
Armament Section Sergeant
As an Armament Section Sergeant at Camp Stanton, Korea I supervised the maintenance support operations for 30 OH-58D aircrafts. My responsibilities included the health and welfare of 20 enlisted personnel, accountable for all military equipment, and all administrative reports associated with armament maintenance section.
Jul 2000 - Nov 2002
Avionics Technical Inspector
As a Technical Inspector, at Fort Campbell, KY, I was responsible for ensuring the proper execution of avionics maintenance procedures. Additionally, I ensured that all components for 16 CH-47D helicopters were properly installed, resulting in over 1000 accident and incident-free hours flown.


(2 years, 1 month)
Feb 2004 - Mar 2005
Iraq ribbon
Sep 1990 - Mar 1991

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Apr 1990 - Jun 1990

W-6 Technical Inspector

Oct 1988 - Dec 1988

December 1988 W-5 AHIP OH-58D Training Course


Jun 2013

General Radiotelephone Operator License

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

Invited by


David taught me everything I know about Production Control in a multi-aircraft unit. His knowledge of aviation electrical and armament systems is without equal.
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
1SG Frank Boynton

Army | Transportation Senior Sergeant

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
- Observed performance while in garrison
- Observed performance while deployed
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter