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Responses: 7
Col Jim Harmon
According to an 'anonymous source' who was 'familiar with the case', they were almost charged with a committing a crime. Almost.

Except they weren't charged with a crime. Because no crime was committed. The only evidence of a crime comes from an anonymous source who alleges to have seen the evidence. Not going too far out on the limb of journalistic integrity are they?

Guilt by association and insinuation. No pesky trial necessary here. We have it from a competent, anonymous source, familiar with the case, who claims to have seen the evidence..............

And they wonder why people continue to doubt the press.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
7 y
New York Dist. Atty. Cyrus Vance Jr. received $50,000 in campaign contributions from President Trump's lawyer and the attorney's associates and friends shortly after Vance's office dropped a fraud investigation against Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
7 y
And, as they say, is the rest of the story. Just follow the money......
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Maj John Bell
There is no such thing as close to being pregnant. Your are or you are not. There is no as being close to charged with a felony, you are or you are not.

Anonymous sources say something squirrely happened. Named sources who are known to have been there, done that say nothing untoward happened. Are we to throw away the presumption of innocence?
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
7 y
Anyone can charge anyone with anything. That doesn’t mean there is any merit to their accusations.
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TSgt Vehicle Operations
Truer words have never been spoken about the Clintons, as well. I don't care about the Trump kids. I care only about the man who leads our country, Democrat, Republican or Anteater. I care about if they want our country to succeed.
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