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Responses: 6
Sgt Martin Querin
Edited 7 y ago
I posted enough on this yesterday, but I also listened to the interview with his brother. Here is the description his brother gave. He made millions gambling, he had high roller cards from all of the casinos, he gave all the family money and made them rich, he had no friends, no ties, he went where he wanted when he wanted. With according to previous reports limited firearms knowledge.

So this millionaire real estate/accountant who dropped thousands at a time gambling with no personal strings attached, no intimate connections and no personal ties and limited firearms experience is a shooter with armorer's skills who flew under everyone's radar travelling abroad including to countries with known links to terrorism. Yep, I get that, just your everyday Joe who happened to get a little sideways one night...just a little water and I can wash that pill right down.
Sgt Martin Querin
Sgt Martin Querin
7 y
1LT Sandy Annala - So that was what all the hype was about when they started talking about modified guns...just bump stocks?
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7 y
Sgt Martin Querin - Just bump stocks - which mimic full auto fire - until the civilian AR15 barrels and breaches heat up & the weapon misfires at 100 to 200 rounds. The guy had a dozen bump stocks and two dozen weapons. My feeling is the bump stock and any similar device enabling effectively full auto fire will likely either disappear or be associated with 10 year prison terms in the very near future. Quite frankly, the video of this incident brought back memories of putting far too many of our troops, their troops, and men, women, and children caught in the middle - back together again. This is not what I want to see in my homeland. Warmest Regards, Sandy
Sgt Martin Querin
Sgt Martin Querin
7 y
1LT Sandy Annala - I'm familiar with the bump stock. Even military barrels can't handle full cyclic for an extended period without projectiles going ballistic. Just irritating that one nut's bad behavior imposes restrictions and creates more laws and regulations. It won't end....
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Suspended Profile
7 y
Sgt Martin Querin - I feel this goes well beyond bad behavior. It exposes a more serious risk that home grown terrorists, foreign influenced terrorists, and/or foreign born terrorists may acquire these weapons cheap (AR15 clone $350 + bump stock $200) in significant numbers - and triangulate fire on defenseless civilians in large gatherings at up to 400 yards - without breaking a single federal, state, or local law. The fundamental problem goes back to the marketing to the public of auto cycling weapons designed for military personnel - that are far too easily modified by filing down the sear, replacing one or few small parts, or using a bump stock to mimic full auto fire - facilitating mass killing. We are at war with terrorists - buying back 5MM auto cycling rifles may be necessary. Warmest Regards, Sandy
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
My question is this: If the room that Paddock was in had the smoke alarm go off because of all the smoke/gas build up from all that shooting, then why did the room on the 4th floor not have its detector go off? Or, here is another question: People on the same floor and rooms next to Paddock reported shots, then why did no one on the 4th floor report shots fired?
SGT Jim Arnold
SGT Jim Arnold
7 y
SPC John Parmenter - 2039 will be the year that those records will be unsealed
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
7 y
And the next morning when we get daylight photos of the hotel, only the windows on the 32nd floor are seen damaged from being knocked out. No other windows were knocked out and you can't slide open and close the windows; the reason why Paddock used a hammer to breach the windows.
SSG William Bowen
SSG William Bowen
7 y
If it is some sort of conspiracy, the lower floor mystery windows could have been removed for the shooting and replaced. Because there has been no law enforcement action on those lower floors, they (whoever they is) have had time to replace/close windows, and sanitize those crime scenes, if said conspiracy theory is true. I am curious as to any shell casings that fell out of the window. Surely in a frenzied attack such as that, at least a few shells would have fallen out of the windows.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
7 y
SSG William Bowen - You certainly bring up a very interesting point. The shell casing (or lack thereof) didn't dawn on me until now.
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MAJ Don Bigger
I certainly don’t know, and can’t even begin to speculate, on what the full story is. But, this will surely add to the rumors/speculation—

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