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Responses: 14
LTC Trent Klug
What a load of crap! I love how defendants suddenly are too ill for prison once they've been found guilty. Carlos Danger needs prison time. He just doesn't want prison time.

I don't care if he's a knuckle draggin', cousin lovin', mobile home livin', Dodge Dart drivin' Neanderthal or a former US Representative. Both, if convicted of the same crime, need to spend time behind bars.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
7 y
Yes, exactly.
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Cpl Software Engineer
That freak needs to be blago'd. People need to know there is not two classes of people; we are all equal. This Animal Farm mentality erupting inside the beltway needs to be purged.
LCDR Retired
LCDR (Join to see)
7 y
Absolutely AGREED!
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CWO3 Us Marine
I feel sorry for their kid. Kids can be cruel and they'll harass their child relentlessly. He's got a screw loose, but was sane enough to hold office - which is a low bar these days - and even run for NYC Mayor, so he's fair game for jail time. It's a shame because he was a passionate orator, but he was given plenty of chances to clean up his act and did not.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
7 y
Agree, his kids didn't do anything wrong, but they'll still get punished. He's a slime-ball and has caused irreparable harm to his own kids, in addition to the already-damaged reputation of Congress.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - I must have missed that they had more than one child. Even one is bad enough. I can't imagine either parent having to explain the birds & bees to their kids, in view of his past. At least she is finally dumping him for the sake of them all. It's sad that those of wealth can afford these arguments, while the majority of the population have to face the music.
LCDR Retired
LCDR (Join to see)
7 y
Children often are burdened by the sins OF THEIR PARENTS.
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
Is it just me or are there a lot weird politicians out there? It is possible that the work I have done and the people I have worked with have warped my mind because every time I hear the word probe I just get an involuntary vision of someone who has been kidnaped by little gray aliens put on an examining table and getting an anal probe! I told some of my friends on the United States Park Police on my sixtieth birthday I was going to recreate Representative Wilbur Daigh Mills (May 24, 1909 – May 2, 1992) infamous October 9, 1974 cavorting incident with Annabelle Battistella, better known as Fanne Foxe, a stripper from Argentina. When police approached the car, Foxe leapt from the vehicle and jumped into the nearby Tidal Basin in an attempt to escape. She was taken to St. Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital for treatment. My friends started laughing and I admitted that although I was a frustrated stand up comedian the politicians in the District gave me a lot of fresh material everyday.
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