Posted on Sep 13, 2017
Chelsea Manning named visiting fellow at Harvard
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 22
Cpl Thomas Kifer
SSgt Alex Ingram - No curiousity, just contempt for a traitor that should be rotting in prison. Not paraded around like he was someone special.
Cpl Thomas Kifer
To SGT Sean Good row, thumbs up or down makes little difference to me. But if you are going to give me a thumbs down, at lease have the decency to explain what you day sacred with my statement. Or don't comment at all. And post a picture. Only thing worse then a traitor is a coward. I stand by my words, yet there you are, hiding in the shadows.
SSG Robert Webster
Sgt Wayne Wood That does not carry the conversation forward. Would you not agree that better representatives of this lifestyle could be found right here on RP?
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