Harvard Kennedy School

Harvard Kennedy School

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Shay Willard

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Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education convenes thinkers and doers from around the globe who are committed to advancing the public interest. Our executive programs—most one week or less—are developed with you in mind and offer the opportunity to step outside of your day-to-day routine to focus on global issues and sustainable solutions. Reach beyond your current knowledge and skills, expand your thinking, strengthen your ability to lead and re energize your drive to make a difference.
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Why Study Here

Transform your skills and strengthen your knowledge in an experiential, creative learning environment that offers you the most broad range of on-campus and online executive programs in public leadership, anywhere. Lifelong learning is a proactive choice in today's fast-changing world. From crisis management to national security, public policy to economic development, these intensive, short programs keep you current in your field and connect you with world renowned Harvard faculty, leading practitioners and an international cohort of your peers.
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Veteran Friendly Programs

Senior Executive Fellows
Senior Managers in Government
Senior Executives in National and International Security
Leadership Decision Making
Leadership for the 21st Century
Leadership in Crises

Most recent contributors: Shay Willard

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