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Responses: 4
LTJG Richard Bruce
West Point's revolutionary study of war greatly influenced the international growth of American power into WWI. While Europe spent decades catching up, Americans did not rest and continued to explore the science of conflict. One of the reasons, our Constitutional Republic is the oldest government.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
I was most intrigued by this observation, SGT (Join to see): "a national logistics system emerged in early 1862 that militarized the Union’s economy in a manner never before experienced or contemplated. It gave enormous powers to the federal government." Thanks for the post. Great article.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
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Thanks! I found it extremely interesting especially overland maneuvers.
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LTC Stephen F.
Thanks for sharing SGT (Join to see)
As a USMA, West Point graduate and somebody who has been interested in history for over 50 years I am not going to comment any further, my friend.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
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LTC Stephen F. Did you not like it
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
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SGT (Join to see) - it is an overview which is correct on some points and misses it on others.
1. "But Grant’s Overland Campaign demonstrates this best. Grant in Virginia did what Sherman could not in Georgia: switch bases of operation and swivel around the enemy’s flank with great dexterity." This is wrong. The Petersburg Campaign drug on for a long time. Grant and Lee jockeyed for advantage and each held an advantage for a time. The Federal force had advantage of sheer numbers while Confederacy had interior lines of communications.
2. 'The clear influence of doctrine and training of officers was not un-covered before. Too many histories are written using the assumption that performance on the battlefield or in command or armies, was based strictly on innate powers of genius and character." This is sheer hubris from a Canadian historian. I have read a number of historical military histories of the Civil War and many talk about doctrine and training in addition to lessons learned in the Seminole Indian wars, the war with Mexico and the Plains Indians wars.
This was part of the challenge of the Civil War with West Pint classmates who trained and fought alongside each other fro so long suddenly being elevated to flag officer and fighting against each other.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
SGT (Join to see)
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LTC Stephen F. Thank you for those concise counterpoints!
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