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Responses: 10
LTC Orlando Illi
Newtons Third Law states that "... For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...." So, given this scientific fact, and the assumption that Liberals believe that by marginalizing Trump their resistance will serve as the predicate act resulting in the return of "... 2016 deplorable voters to the Liberal fold in 2018 and 2020..."; I would like to know how many Trump Supporters will convert from their 2016 deplorable ways to vote for Democrats? After all - why spew all this vitriol and destroy historical monuments unless you have a specific number in mind. So what is is it: 5%, 10%, 20%
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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7 y
They took their masks off a bit too soon. If they had waited patiently a few more years they would have had it in the bag. This current so called resistance is their worst mistake since the beginning of the socialist progressive movement; and it's been going on longer than anyone currently alive.
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Cpl Jeff N.
You probably couldn't find a handful of people that even could tell you what the Dred Scott decision said and even fewer that could tell you who this Justice was. He was not a confederate, he was a Supreme Court Justice. It was a 7-2 decision so I guess there are 6 other guys that should they have a statue anywhere it is coming down. It was a bad decision for sure but if that is the standard for becoming a demon then there are lots of other decisions that should look at too.
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1SG Dennis Hicks
It won't they are emboldened by the fanatical emotional drivel. The best one can hope for is ZERO bloodshed, but these things never avoid death when pushed to the extreme. It will now spread like a virus and more and more inclusion for other things that offend, make them feel bad or are not in line with their warped visions. Eventually the book burning will begin.................
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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7 y
If you don't cut rot out of anything quickly it rots everything it touches.
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