Posted on Jul 29, 2017
North Korean ICBM launches dim South's hopes for talks
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Every South Korean Pres that tried talks with nKorea got played and handed over money and food. All for nothing.
How can anything "dim hopes" for talks with North Korea. There is no hope of reconciliation. Hasn't been for decades. The choices are to keep the insanity caged or kill it. If you want to talk, go talk to China and make them see the consequences to them if North Korea harms anyone outside its borders. After all, North Korea wouldn't exist except by the support and protection afforded them by China.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Every few years SOKO elects a president with delusions... doesn't take long to burst the bubble.
SSgt Gary Andrews
I'm with you on this one, Captain Jack......cage it or kill it.....the only two options available to us.
Thanks for sharing this great article. Things have to get better before they can get worse Sgt Wayne Wood.
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