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LTC Orlando Illi
Another case of the Russians hacking the brain of an innocent liberal sycophant . Obviously this Awan dude could not help himself due to the nefarious actions of Russian Agents.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
I am going to answer this the way the MSM would or the 7 RP Travelers would: Great Question but it is very complicated. If it were say a Republican then yes, they clearly broke the law. But now say it was a open minded, tolerant, and lover of Diversity then we might have an issue. How did you interpret the comment? Are you white? Are you a male? Do you like football? Odds are that you are a Racist for asking the question and you should be focused on Russia and Donald Trump Jr. Wait, it might be the Son in Law. No, I am incorrect. Its Barron. Focus on Barron. He is obviously guiltily and should pay for damages.
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