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Responses: 16
CW4 Scott Hyde
My son wears my uniform deer hunting at the farm in Kentucky. One time, this squirrel climbed in the stand with him and started raising hell. Now I know why. That squirrel was in the Army once and came up to check his ID and berate him for stolen valor (he did not earn the wings, better call the cops) and for not wearing his headgear correctly. It is all clear.

People, just stop. Find something better to do with your time. Drop a few diamond cutters from the top rope on a flag burner or something else that will change hearts and minds.
SPC Darren Coffenberry
SPC Darren Coffenberry
8 y
CW4 Scott Hyde
CW4 Scott Hyde
8 y
SPC Darren Coffenberry - With regard to the previous comment , as a CW4, I have been in long to know what not to waste my time on. The "Soldier" making this video and posting it is bringing as much, if not more, discredit to the uniform as the man wearing it. These encounters are almost always a waste of time. Let him play Army. There is a guy in Clarksville, TN on the south end of 41A who wears a uniform 24x7. He has for many years, I'd say 15 if not more. He has his demons and he means nobody any harm. The worst thing a Soldier can do is to run this guy down and start messing with him for stolen valor. Just leave him alone.

Sure, people died in that uniform. Honor them but not dishonoring your profession with videos like this and encounters that can quickly go bad. If you want to make small talk to confirm your suspicions, do so but leave the camera alone and when you validate your concerns just walk away knowing you served. Maybe that is his way of honoring a Soldier. Maybe he is trying for a free meal. Maybe he is an old Soldier who left with demons and is reliving part of his life he cannot get back. No matter what you do, do not make those wearing the uniform looking like a bunch of jackasses who have nothing better to do than to mess with people playing Army.
SPC Darren Coffenberry
SPC Darren Coffenberry
8 y
CW4 Scott Hyde - Yes i changed my comment after having re-watched the video...but i do feel strongly about ANYONE who wears a uniform fully decked out like this guy...If he in fact never served it is a disgrace and a boot in the mouth to those that have. i do agree with you on your points though, I would only call out someone if they were panhandling for money in uniform or trying to further their careers , knowing full well they never served a day in any Armed Service.
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SrA James Cannon
I know plenty of people who wear uniform parts as street wear, or even clubbing wear. Apparently it is a fad in some places. This guy, however, has a complete uniform on. I wouldn't say that it is false valor because he doesn't appear to be claiming to be a war hero, but it is still messed up.
LTC Patrick Turner
LTC Patrick Turner
8 y
It's clear the guy is not military. If I can see close, he has E7 rank on which is a senior NCO. News flash: he admitted to having NO ID card at all. Give me a break: no SFC walks around with a umbrella with no ID. But I digress. These posers technically are not violating the law but they bring disrespect against all service people who served honorably.
PVT Andrew Burd
PVT Andrew Burd
8 y
yeah well who gives a shit. I know what I know and that's all I need to know.
MSgt Owner
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
LTC Patrick Turner - So do the asshats making a scene like these two; who obviously don't know how to wear their uniforms.
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SSgt Michael Cox
After watching this video it sounds like he may at sometime actually been in the military but didn't have an MOS he was proud of. When they started challenging him on patch placement he got irritated like he know for a fact that they were on correctly and that the regulation wouldn't change. Also this is another video that isn't Stolen Valor but instead someone just wearing the uniform. Even though it is against regulations since he isn't at an official military event, parade, graduation, or wedding it still isn't a crime.
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