Posted on Jun 9, 2017
‘Shut Up, Slave!’: White Man Hurls Insults, Compares Black Man to Livestock During Altercation at...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
This dude can say whatever he wants, up to a point. The spitting on me? That's a choking out
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
No one deserves to be treated like that. Spitting is way too far! I'd/i have jumped someone's ass for that very thing.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I'd hold you back, this POS is not worth jail time. We'd find another way to let karma find him...
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
SSG Michael Hartsfield To quote Ron White the comedian...You can't fix stupid! or in this case ignorant. I agree though words are one t hing, spitting will get your ass kicked.
There has always got to be an As_ _ _ _ e in every group. It's not one's color. It's one's attitude. That is how people should be measured.
Every Samuel L. Jackson "Motherf*cker"...Ever
Edited by Oliver Noble and Ben Craw. For more information on this video, including a full breakdown of motherfuc*ers per movie, visit: S...
Trust this was ALL I heard the entire time I watched this, and I'm STILL saying it in my head now. He should feel free to go to Southside Chi or come over here and lets test his "slave" talk off MLK and Benning Rd. SE. This would be one "Massa" who would run faster than any "slave" we've ever heard about.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Trust Palmer - No one ever does, but suddenly is NOT racist after you show them the video of them being racist..... damn Bill Maher gonna get some heads knocked in...
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