Posted on Jun 5, 2017
Guys, Stop Making These Mistakes With Your Suits
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
Very simple rules. Black suits are a pet peeve of mine - no one needs to own a black suit. The only exceptions are "black tie" events, you're a priest/minister or you work in the funeral business.
SMSgt Thor Merich
I am going to disagree with you on the black suits. In my business, the standard uniform is black suit and white dress shirt. Tie colors are the users choice. Black suits are still the norm in courts, Law Enforcement (detectives), FBI, Secret Service, executive protection details, etc.
SSG Carlos Madden
Good point however I'd argue that while the norm in these professions they are still "style mistakes."
MGySgt (Join to see)
SSG Carlos Madden - This was the one rule I took a little. lightly. It's not an unprofessional color and I wear it pretty well. I have others, but the black certainly works its way into the rotation.
I agree with everything except the black suit. I have my gray three piece suit and my black suit and I wear each of them on numerous different occasions. I do have a collection of different colored shirts and ties though so if I do choose to wear my black suit it doesn't look like I'm going to a funeral. But I like the black.
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