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Responses: 6
SGT Cort Landry
I agree with Shannon on a lot of what he said. I can agree with Skip as well.
1. Segment of America, not all.
2. What he said about LBJ, spot on.
3. Skip saying he tries to do his part, which a lot of us do as well.

Most of us that were prior military have a sense of brotherhood that some in the civilian world do not understand.
What I would like to know is, given this is LeBron James' home, were there any cameras that maybe picked up a glimpse of the perpetrator?
I'll tell you a what happened to me a few weeks ago in my neighborhood. It was about 8:30 pm on a Sunday. My wife and I were outside talking to our neighbors Leo and Alicia ( African Americans)... Just shooting the shit, so to speak. Been to their house, they come to ours. Most times if the garage is open that means come on in... Anyways, We are talking right? This person comes speeding around the corner from the entrance of our neighborhood ( we have a problem with speeders). I yell to slow down. I have no idea who this person is or what "color" she is.... Her vehicle is tinted to the max. So, she slams on her brakes, gets out of her car, comes up to me and just starts calling me every name in the books. Now, my neighbor Leo sees this telling her to calm down and all. She called me Redneck, Cracker over and over again. Telling me I yelled at her because she was black (now I just mentioned her car was tinted). Oh, by the way, she was black but lighter than me. Anyways, she says she is going to go get her husband. I said ok..... So, a little later, me and the neighbors are still outside and here she comes with her husband, who has a USMC shirt on. Anyways, he asked me if I yelled at his wife, I was like I yelled to slow down. And told him the speed limit was 20mph. She was going thru a lot faster than that. At this time she is still yelling at me all the names mentioned above. He asked if I yelled at all the speeders, both me, Leo, Alicia said "Yes,we do".... That didn't stop her from berating me more. Then I asked her husband, I see you are prior military, he said yes. I asked if he wouldn't mind walking away for a minute so we could talk. He's like sure. His wife snatched his arm and said "you are not talking to that cracker".... Now, I could have easily just started calling her names but where would that get us in the grand scheme of things? Nowhere. After the whole incident, Alicia came to the house, pissed off. Not at me, but at the fact that one of her own people had acted the ass.... I told her at that time, not everyone is the same. Which is the truth. Seems to me that we should be able to find common ground in this day and age. Also, there are 300+ million people that live in the United States, there will always be bad people on both sides. I think that when something like this happens no one wins and we all look quite stupid.
SGT Writer
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Mass/social media sensationalizes anything negative that divides. Also, regarding your story, I get upset too when I see other blacks behaving racist. People before me fought to defeat such mindsets and issues. What would blacks gain from attempting to "turn the tables"?
SGT Cort Landry
SGT Cort Landry
>1 y
For the most part I get along with everyone unless someone is being belligerent. Then I don't care who the person is. You know what I mean?
SGT Writer
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SGT Cort Landry - I read you.
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
SGT (Join to see) -This is some of the most powerful and realest shit I ever seen. Shannon put it down without reservation and whole truth. This ignorance is sickening!!! Thanks for the share my friend.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT (Join to see) I don't like basketball, I think it is a waste of good hockey arenas. I have always thought that LeBron James was a mercenary bastard who would sell his services to ISIS if they had a team. Now that I have that out of the way, When I saw this on the news this morning, I was disgusted. There is no excuse on earth for this behavior. It is disgusting that in 2017 a man has to go on TV and talk about race over accomplishment. LeBron James should have been talking about how great it was to be back in the finals. Instead he had to talk about race. His attitude was impressive. He was not only calm about it, but he said that if it furthered the cause of equality he could take it. I am grateful that the subhuman shitbag or bags that did this stopped with graffiti. This could have been a far more tragic ending for his family, also inexcusable. Worse still, that wasn't even the worst act of racism this week. Shannon touched on it with the noose that was found at the Smithsonian. What is wrong with these people?
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
Not a fan. Le Bron was graceful in his statements!
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden - Sounded even a little humble. I was honestly surprised.
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