Posted on Jun 1, 2017
The Paris Agreement Is a Treaty. Treat It as Such.
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 13
Seems to this old man that some do not understand treaty anymore than they understand impeachment.
A treat ys not a treaty if not approved by the Senate. Impeachment does not occur simply because you lost the election.
I think we need a national civics class for people.
A treat ys not a treaty if not approved by the Senate. Impeachment does not occur simply because you lost the election.
I think we need a national civics class for people.
SSgt (Join to see)
The problem is it was treated an as executive agreement instead of a treaty, like it should have been, by the previous administration. Executive agreements are legally binding pacts that the president enters without seeking the advice and consent of the Senate, based on his sole authority to negotiate with foreign nations. This means he was allowed to do what he did just because he called the treaty by a different name, just like he did with his Iran agreement.
CSM Charles Hayden
Capt (Join to see) Please visit online: DreyfussCivicsInitiative That is a start!
Sending it to the Senate for ratification would amount to endorsement by the President. I don't think he approves, do you?
CPT Jack Durish
Col Joseph Lenertz - But (and it's a big "BUT") what if the Senate ratifies it? Look, Congress has one simple job, repeal Obamacare. It's a dying system and like the relative with no hope of recovery, we keep it on life support. Why? The result is the same. We're wasting a fortune with no good end in sight. Still, Congress is again lost in the weeds. Thus, I would not trust them with this decision. It is an unratified treaty and President Trump can simply annul it. Let him...
SSgt (Join to see)
I do not think that the President sending it to Congress would necessarily mean he endorses the agreement just that he feels Congress should be the one to make the decision.
SSgt (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - It is extremely unlikely Congress would ratify it as it would take two-thirds to be in agreement on something and currently they have a hard enough time just getting half to agree on anything.
SSG Michael Tellekamp
I agree a President does not send treaties to the Senate until he and his Sec. of State support the agreement. If you can't come to that point you do send it. I don't recall anyone sending a treaty to the Senate without their recommendation for passage.
President Obama failed to send it to Congress leaving it up to President Trump. He can tear it up or pass the buck and send it to Congress. I hope he tears it up.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Thus the US joins the ranks of nations like Syria and Nigeria, making us look more backwards than every other nation on Earth outside those two.
CSM Clifford Fargason
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - We are already reducing CO2 emissions, and Obama had committed us to giving away more than 3 Billion to the green climate fund as part of this whole fiasco. If the Paris accords and Green Climate fund were so important, Obama should have gone through the proper route of having the Senate ratify the thing. It is about time the US stopped paying for everything that the rest of the nations want.
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