Posted on May 4, 2017
Hazing allegations at SC’s Parris Island reported in all training battalions
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 10
I am positively 100% against hazing, though the difficulty here is in defining the line between hazing and creating an intense stressful environment designed to enhance resiliency so that our troops don't resort to pulling out "stress cards" when surrounded by the enemy. Stress can be applied without being made racially, sexually, religiously or otherwise abusive. To learn the difference, many should take a long look in the mirror and examine just what has been used to apply that stress and if it did more than application of stress. Requiring recruits to do physically damaging tasks for extended periods such as duckwalking for more than a few short minutes is abusive (this can cause permanent damage to tendons and ligaments). Having recruits "wet themselves" can cause serious physical problems as well as emotional/mental issues. Making recruits work hard and deal with stress is part of the Drill Sergeants job, most of them do this without pushing stress into the realm of abuse. Really it's up to their peers to call those trying to take things too far, before it gets out of hand. Nobody who hasn't been evaluated for their ability to tell the difference between stress inducement and abuse should ever be in charge of training recruits. The military needs to better define that difference and do rigorous testing on those training to become drill instructors in order to ensure that this line is adhered to.
I was not a Drill Instructor, I spent three years at Parris Island as a Marksmanship Instructor, training both male and female recruits. Drill Instructors were getting hammered left and right, and some rightfully so. However, I knew more that had their careers ruined by some snot nosed malcontent that made allegations of mistreatment and their complaint was taken over what anyone else said.
If the good Colonel and the other officers were and are concerned about the treatment of the Recruits under their care, I would advocate that they get off of their butts and be more visible. I saw Al Gray and the CG more than I saw the Battalion Commanders.
If the good Colonel and the other officers were and are concerned about the treatment of the Recruits under their care, I would advocate that they get off of their butts and be more visible. I saw Al Gray and the CG more than I saw the Battalion Commanders.
Sgt Joseph Baker
The Corps has historically had higher casualty rates for two reasons: 1) They are frequently assigned the most dangerous missions with safe harbor great distances away and with less support than the Army typically gets; 2) Intensity and tenacity of operations because Marines are shock troops. The Vietnam war is replete with examples where Marine units met with overwhelming odds did not pull out as some might have but rather fought to the bitter end, not defensively but pressing the battle until the enemy withdrew thinking they were a larger force. A recent example of this was the battle for Khafji Saudis Arabia. This is not an embarrassment as you put it. The fact that others are unwilling to commit all as the Corps does is rather a shame on them
LCpl Donald Faucett
You are exactly right Sgt. No not embarrassment (lack of better term) we just didn't gain the gain by kicking but and giving the grounds taken back, just to do it all over again. Created a bunch of pissed off Marines. War of attrition does not work, and they Leaders) knew it. But they fought with Valor that was in vain. If that isn't embarrassment of incompetent leadership, will you help me find a better word. Snot nose politics, and chicken shit leaders afraid to take charge for fear of being fired. My appologies for bitterness. We just have to live with it. Chesty Puller would not go for it.
LCpl Donald Faucett
Sgt Baker voted me down. That's ok cause I have broad shoulders and that was your choice. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yes, even twinkled toed pimple faced snitching ass punk like you you shitbird. Hazing was not condoned, but was ramped, and kept tidy swept under the rug. UCMJ forbids it. But it was necessary to produce a close net badass group of brothers. Your snitching ass would have never made it momma's boy!
LCpl Donald Faucett
You discuss me and are an insult to the men who made it. Stay off my page, sugar britches
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