Posted on Apr 26, 2017
Obama’s Wall Street hypocrisy on parade
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 6
I don't mind reading attacks on those who are supposed to lead us, but when that attack includes the wife, then the argument looses credibility. I can't and won't go in on anyone's wife and find it despicable when a journalist does. Flame you? No. You didn't write it. You posted it, so no need to be ignorant like that. PLUS you' entitled to your opinion. "Despite all his heady, “I’m everyman” rhetoric for the past eight years, Barry and Mi-Mi (Her God given name is Michelle Obama, not Mi-Mi or any other nickname. She was also the breadwinner in the family for a number of years before he came on the scene as a professor, senator, president) don’t seem to have much of a problem signing a $65 million book deal"..killed it for me. What would've been better in the article than his past quotes, would did what are the actual transcripts from the event say" The article makes no mention of what is suspected vs. the fact he DID and was paid. I can't argue over what you think, when neither one of us know what exactly was said. Now he IS a politician cut and dry. ANY and ALL previous presidents made a killing on the speaking circuit, and many of our more "prominent" congress members that left office also have made substantial money speaking. Hell GEN Powell did too. What was said is the important thing, not the dollar amount paid. Book deal? Meh...that will pale in contrast to what Trump and his family will get when they leave office. He has his entire family in it one way or the other. That is a smart business move, and secures his family with more money in the future ahead when his brand is taking a beating now. I can find fault with a lot, but in this case, nope. Smart decisions by all, and his presidential library isn't designed or built yet. How much will he kick in to get the ball rolling like the previous presidents have?
I wonder why all those posters who show up to post memes and call another poster a troll for posting threads about Trump don't show up here to do the same for this thread?. As they say, the election is over. Obama isn't POTUS anymore. Are you new here and missed your chance to post antiObama stuff while he was in office, so now you are trying to catch up?
Well of course. Have you met a politician, right or left, that wasn't on some level?
But this guy.... damn
But this guy.... damn
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