Posted on Apr 16, 2017
MIT Press Publishes ‘Communism for Kids’ Book » The Hagmann Report
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
"The thesis of the children’s book is that communism is “not that hard,” but has not been implemented in the right way."
There is no right way.
There is no right way.
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SSgt Christopher Brose It fails, always has and always will! Now they are indoctrinating children to grow up with these beliefs just like hitler indoctrinated the youth to be good little naziis.
I would love to see it taught in school the body count that socialism has. It's killed more people than smallpox.
We should never give up the fight but you got to know we are losing. No one is advocating for sensorship... it's the idea that communism just was not implemented properly... the Burnie Sanders wing of the left believes this. The failures of the past do not matter... they will get it right next time. You do not have to live under communism to understand its inferior application to capitalism, just live in another country and you quickly realize that no other system can match what we have in the USA. If we were to bring back the draft the snowflakes and buttercups would be forced from their bubble and learn from expierence and not from an MIT egghead.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
LTC Marc King: Sir, your observation brings to mind a quote from Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." I do agree with you that the battle continues. But I do feel that, rather than losing, our faith is being tested. As a faith should be. Happy Easter.
MSG Stan Hutchison
For the record, Bini Adamczak is not an "MIT egghead." Just because the MIT press publishes a book does no mean the author is from MIT.
I am very proud to live in a country where a book about anything can and is published. It is called the 1st Amendment.
I am very proud to live in a country where a book about anything can and is published. It is called the 1st Amendment.
LTC Marc King
I guess you missed the comment on sensorship and by caveat the right to free speech... However, MIT egghead or not his basic premise is flawed. Look around you... Cubans, Hondurans, Venezuelans, Russians, Chinese and any number of Africans all of whom have lived under Communist regimes and have found their way to the US. From their "workers paradise" to a paradise where you can in fact work... and get a better life for it. So your author can in deed say what he wants and I will continue to point out how misguided he is.
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