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Responses: 7
SSG Program Control Manager
I am definitely no fan of Paul Ryan, however it's not entirely his fault Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. Democrats looking for a Health Care solution, already went about as conservative as possible on Obamacare and simply ignored the Left within their own party who called for single payer health care (medicaid for all). Republicans attacked Obamacare mercilessly, even though it was designed by the Heritage foundation and first implemented by a Republican governor... I am certain those attacks had far more to do with their hatred of Obama than it did their hatred of a market solution to the health care crisis.

Now any move to make the Healthcare more conservative is going to be viewed as extreme. What Republicans should have been doing this whole time was making sure it worked and taking credit for the plan since it was developed by conservatives. If Republicans do manage to pass something that pleases their "freedom caucus" it is likely to be so painful to working and middle class Americans that Republicans will be quoting "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung.

Either work to make sure the market can serve the needs of all Americans in a reasonable fashion, or accept single payer health care.
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Cpl Jeff N.
It is embarrassing for Paul Ryan. The Speaker of the House with a house controlled by the GOP, a senate controlled by the GOP and a Republican president with 7+ years to write a bill shows up with a piece of legislation his own party would not support. Trump tried to bring the sides together but Ryan owns this and Judge Jeanine is right. He should step down. He failed at a key moment to deliver what should have been deliverable. Why? Hubris, ignorance, inability to play with others in the sand box, all of the above? Doesn't matter. He failed epically.

Ryan is from the Romney wing of the GOP. We all know what a loser Romney was. Ryan was his right hand man. Two guys that could not beat BHO in his re-election run as bad as he was. Ryan has only solidified his bona fides as a loser even when he has the perfect ability to win. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The reality is America and Americans will be confronted with Obamacara collapsing, insurance companies backing out and leaving no one to provide coverage and all of the talk about Americans losing coverage will come to fruition in the stinking rotten carcass that is Obamacare.

The democrats still own Obamacare. They will try to run because that is what they do. They load crap on the wagon and when it starts to stink they deflect and blame others and point fingers.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't disagree with you that Ryan bears the most responsibility for the fiasco. The republicans have been bluffing the people for years that they had a better plan, but the truth is they never did the hard work of crunching the numbers and working the details. Instead they would just issue broad principle statements that proved to be pipe dreams. I don't think the dems are running from Ocare at all; they sure weren't today.

But the point of my post wasn't to say whether Trump or Ryan were more to blame, or whether Judge J was right. It was how pathetic I think it is that the president of the United States tweets out to millions of people to watch a particular episode of a routine news opinion show because he knows it will deflect the blame from him. What kind of leader would do that? 24 hours earlier he said that Ryan had worked really hard and did a good job. It just shows such a total lack of leadership and an inability to accept any blame at all for anything.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
Ryan doesn't work for Trump he is fully independent political figure. Trump has to work with the leaders of the party the house and senate put in leadership roles. Ryan clearly crapped in his mess kit on this one. There is no other explanation. He simply did not do his job well or at all. It is mismanagement of a centerpiece of the GOP platform, repeal and replace. He had one job, to align the GOP on a bill he had 8 years to write and build consensus around.

The president cannot fire him for this epic failure but he can bring about pressure inside the GOP to have him relieved and he should. He ran the ship aground, he needs to go. Trump can only use the court of public opinion and pressure on the GOP in congress to have him removed.

I think both statements are true. Ryan did work hard to get the bill through. He failed miserably. Trump gave him the head nod for effort but he still failed to deliver. In the real world you would be fired over an epic failure like that (the world Trump operated in). In Congress, unless there is pressure internally you survive. Look at the losers we have up there like Ryan, McConnell, McCain and Graham on the GOP side and Pelosi, Schumer et al on the democrat side.
CPT Alexander Grant
CPT Alexander Grant
>1 y
This whole comment seems like a deflection. Isn't the topic about the president plugging fox news before they make an announcement he likes
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
CPT Alexander Grant - Michael's post lead with the comment "This is just bizarre and embarrassing for a POTUS". I wasn't deflecting from the article, I was answering his comment directly. I felt it was more of an embarrassment for Ryan then Trump. The Speaker of the House couldn't deliver the votes of his own party who owns the majority. That is an epic failure.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited >1 y ago
For those who won't believe it because it's on Huffpost, here are Trump's last 3 tweets from his twitter. Not exactly a "buck stops here" type of leader. More like a sniveling excuse maker.
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Thanks you for all of the Trump Rallies today. Amazing support. We will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
I don't really see any excuses in the tweets. No clue how you pieced that together.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
The excuse wasn't in the tweet, Captain. He plugged her show, where she then provided the excuses and the blame.
Cpl Tom Surdi
Cpl Tom Surdi
>1 y
Did we all forget that Trump tried to force Republicans into voting for the bill? Issuing veiled threats and using strong arm tactics in an attempt to push through a bill he stated he used his "incredible" ability to make a deal. He's just trying to distance himself from this mess. I chalk it up to a lack of leadership ability, among other short comings.
CPT Alexander Grant
CPT Alexander Grant
>1 y
Cpl Tom Surdi - Thank you!!! Everyone instantly forgot that, started blaming Ryan, even though Trump was calling people out by name
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