Posted on Nov 2, 2016
24 photos that show the honor and loyalty of the Marine Corps
Edited 8 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 31
I was hoping not to end up crying at my computer today. Guess that will be my goal tomorrow instead.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Cpl George Crab and Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS very tough not to get emotional with these pictures - very tough!
Cpl George Crab
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - Not really sure about now, but back when, whoever was sent on the Personal Deceased Body Detail, that person never left the Marine until he was buried, from the flight out, until the interment was done.
An embodiment of the saying in the Marines, "We will never leave a Marine alone." Or ,"We got your 6, 24/7. Always."
An embodiment of the saying in the Marines, "We will never leave a Marine alone." Or ,"We got your 6, 24/7. Always."
Thank You Col Mike Burroughs: It is not only a Marine Thing ! It has happen to all of us. We are Family. Army,Navy,Air Force,Marines and Coast Guard. We all gave some, some gave all, Freedom isn't Free. Duty, Honor, Country................May god have Mercy On their Souls.........Semper Fi
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