Posted on Mar 1, 2017
In Congress speech, Trump stood to unify while Democrats sat to divide
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 25
What struck me was that these Liberal Cretins had the audacity to sit while POTUS was honoring the widow of a fallen warrior. It reminded me of the time in 1968 Liberal when Liberal Anti-War scum tried to spit on the casket of my neighbor when he came back from Nam as my Dad and I and his Dad were escorting him through the airport. I will never forgive nor forget that and I saw the same reaction last night. I have zero respect for Liberals in general and last night just reinforced that opinion.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - if that had happened ot would be a crime but that is a fan as of the right wing tinfoil hat press. There is no record of that. No testimony of that and no mention of that outside the nutjob press.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Guess You didn't read the entry well, Soros Himself appeared on television, He stated those facts Himself. it was filmed it was broadcast on the air. I guess You see only what You want to see when You take in information. The "nutjob press" as You refer to it provided the forum, they didn't put the words in His mouth, it was Soros Himself speaking.He was there in person on the air, His lips were moving, those words were coming out of His mouth. I think He just may have some knowledge of His own life. That seems pretty clear to me ! Seems also as I said, it didn't seem to worry Him, In Soros own words, from Him, not the press, "I did what I had to to survive" If it didn't come straight from His own mouth then Yes I may have been rumor or untrue, some things said about Him during that WWII period are not factual but that is ! If You don't get that then I guess Me mentioning it to you beyond this is a waste of time ! That did not come of the top of My head, it was researched.
LTC Orlando Illi
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - I agree. This is not about the nut-job press. It is about the refusal of (to borrow a term from above) left wing tinfoil morons to condemn this piece of human garbage. Soros said it was because he was a 14 year old kid; that he felt that his involvement in the confiscation of property of Jews headed for the Extermination Camps was excusable? Uh Huh - well kids his age were dying in the Warsaw Ghetto fighting Nazi Scum while this piece of dung was confiscating property from his fellow Jews on their way to the death camps. Just another reason to despise Liberals and this despicable creature in particular. To review what he said in the 60 Minute Interview from time stamp 8:24 (below):
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
60 Minutes: George Soros Is Proud Of Using Nazis
This is the guy promoting racial division and outright destabilization in America
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
LTC Orlando Illi - Yes Sir, and I see You also watched that Soros segment on 60 Minutes as i did also. Amazing what people can learn when they bother to collect facts instead of going on tangents and attacking those that took the trouble to inform themselves. Some Retirees think they can speak ill of a serving President but even retired You are not a civilian and still subject to the UCMJ and even retirees, IRR and other people can be called back to active duty which includes activation for Court Martial. Article 88 under the punitive articles of the UCMJ is very specific about that and it applies to both Officers and enlisted people. Items under Article 77 to 134 apply and ex Military members who committed an offense during Military service can also be called back to active duty for Court Martial or even Article 15 Administrative actions. Manual for Court Martials also covers that subject and also CMR Court Martial Reports has case president for many cases that resulted in convictions. Your remedy then is only through Court of Military Review or Court of Military appeals beyond that is only the US Supreme Court if they choose to even hear the case. I'll be willing to bet You knew that already, I know having done term papers on Law Courses and also functioning as not only a Senior NCO but also as a 1st Sergeant I was expected to have this knowledge. I may not know all the answers but I know where to look to find them and not make unsupported statements.
Mr Soros of course is a civilian and a naturalized US citizen not and subject to these Military laws but sure seems to flaunt State and Federal civilian law and do as He wishes without any repercussions due to lack of enforcement.
Mr Soros of course is a civilian and a naturalized US citizen not and subject to these Military laws but sure seems to flaunt State and Federal civilian law and do as He wishes without any repercussions due to lack of enforcement.
"The question is - will Democrats put country above politics and accept it?"
How many times was that question asked about Republicans the last 8 years. I'm sorry but it's hard to support either party since both have been acting like children the last several years. GOP moped and bitched for 8 years and now it looks like Dems are planning to do the same for 4 years.
How many times was that question asked about Republicans the last 8 years. I'm sorry but it's hard to support either party since both have been acting like children the last several years. GOP moped and bitched for 8 years and now it looks like Dems are planning to do the same for 4 years.
SFC Dave Beran
It is no surprise that opposites do stuff like this. But I have never seen Republicans sit while the wife of a fallen comrade was honored. That is beyond petulance. It doesn't matter in some instances which party you are from. That was not only distasteful but unconscionable.
Capt Seid Waddell
PFC (Join to see), don't count your chickens before they hatch. It all depends upon whether or not Trump policies get the economy going again and who the Dems put up against him. The Dems have not made very good decisions of late.
I thought I saw some Democrats standing for some things. Then again, it might have been a mirage. However, when the camera focused on Nancy Pelosi, she looked like she had seen something "nasty" crawling on the neck of the person in front of her. However, I really want to focus on Maj Marty Hogan 's observation about term limits. I've long opposed them for the obvious reasons that seem trite now that I've seen Congress in action. I feared that the bureaucrats working for members of Congress would manipulate their bosses if term limits were imposed. Upon closer scrutiny it appears the bureaucrats are manipulating veteran members of Congress who spend most of their time on phones soliciting donations while the bureaucrats conduct the business of Congress. As a result, modern legislation consists of suggestions rather than laws and the bureaucrats are allowed to implement them with rules and regulations that they draft. In other words, the bureaucrats are now America's legislators while America's legislators are their shills. Also, I objected to term limits on the simple basis that it seemed it was an insult to voters. What do you mean? We the People can't be trusted to choose the best representatives? Well, it's now obvious that we can't. We not only elect incompetents, but reelect them repeatedly despite their obvious failings. So, yeah, I'm now on the bandwagon. It's time for term limits.
Capt Seid Waddell
CPT Jack Durish, it is the voters that should impose term limits in my view - as they did in this past election. I think the electorate has about had it with the status quo and has decided to change things up. If the current change does not pan out they can change it again in the next election.
Maj Marty Hogan
CPT Jack Durish appreciate your insight- most valuable as always. I think the ineffectiveness is likened to a commander in the military that has been at a base/post/ship too long. They believe their own importance outweighs the job they are assigned to accomplish. Rendering change ineffective and impossible as time goes on.
CSM Charles Hayden
CPT Jack Durish As I posted someplace, Pelosi and Feinstein were first elected in the early 1990s! That equates to ? 25 years in office! No way are they really representing voters! Only the California left screwballs and assorted fruitcakes believe in them!
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