Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 24
I like this idea, especially for veterans who don't have their full uniforms any more. Once a soldier, always a soldier.
SGT Alan Simmons
CPO Don Campbell - You mean, as in the buttons fitting into those button holes wayyyy over there? :D
SGT Louis Perrault
Sgt Edward Harold sorry, but I don't wear anything but blue jeans and t-shirt type things with motorcycle boots. I do wear them respectively on a vest dedicated to my military service.
I have friends from exchanges with Commonwealth armies. I like their traditional method of civilian wear. Many of their "old boys" belong to regimental associations and wear their decorations on blazers with an embroidered badge and a regimental stripe tie for events. We have a few who do likewise in the States.
Sgt Edward Harold
I like that too but modern Americans would never dress so well even retired officers. .
1LT Peter Suedfeld
Miniature medals are made to be worn with formal dress, whether military dress uniforms or civilian tuxedos. Some invitations to the latter kind of event even specify: "Formal dress with decorations" (or words to that effect).
I only wear my awards and decorations on my Army dress uniform. I've never felt the need to wear them on my civilian clothes.
SFC (Join to see)
I wear my medals for Vets Day and Memorial Day, the rest of the time; I would not, just seems odd any other time.
Sgt Robert Beckwith
LtCol Bruce Janis - It's necessary to remember that the Civil war was a tragedy. Brother against brother. 500,000 dead, more then in all the other American wars put together . Yet eventually the brothers made their peace. B
1LT Peter Suedfeld
Sgt Robert Beckwith - Yes, they did. And their "woke" great-grandchildren are now busy destroying that peace, with blanket characterization of CSA soldiers as traitors, tearing down their statues and memorials, removing their names from military posts, banning the display of the Confederate flag, etc. I think it's sad.
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