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Responses: 16
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
I suggest reading the bait and click article before posting- no decision has been made
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
Why did Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin change the name of the K.G.B. to S.V.R. because the people from the G.R.U. (Russian Military Intelligence) told me they called the K.G.B. the gang of clumsy bandits. The people from the G.R.U. really do have a sense of humor. I have spent my whole life since I was seventeen years old in the military and law enforcement and I have lost count of the number of times I sworn an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. I will be the first person to tell you that I have a divergent sense of humor that borders on the sick, perverted and utterly twisted. When reality exceeds my sick, perverted and utterly twisted sense of humor exponentially I really start to worry. For years I have referred to the Washington Post as Pravda on the Potomac then I find out that their Moscow bureau is headquartered in the Pravda building. In Russian Pravda means “truth” who says the pig farmers don’t have a sense of humor and how is that for real Russian collusion?
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CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
I think the president should choose Ted Cruz as his SCOTUS pick. He sticks to the Constitution and he's familiar with arguing cases in front of them already.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
8 y
Cruz, Sessions, and gowdy would be my first 3 picks.
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
CPT (Join to see)
8 y
Cpl Joshua Caldwell - Great choices. Sessions is not available for obvious reasons, but either one of the other two would be awesome.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Cruz ran for President even though he was constitutionally unqualified... just like Marco Rubio. At least Cruz IS eligible to be a Supreme Court Justice and I would hope that he would do a better job interpreting it than he did regarding his eligibility.

Just for the record, a person with dual citizenship has divided loyalties and can't be considered natural born... at least according to Emerich de Vattel whom John Jay, our first Supreme Court Justice, referenced in his letters leading up to the Constitutional Convention which George Washington presided over. It was at John Jay's insistence that Washington added the requirement of natural born to the list of qualifications for U.S. President -- because, unlike members of Congress, the President is also Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Jay felt that it was important that NOBODY be able to question the allegiance and loyalty of our Commander in Chief [which could lead to a Constitutional crisis!]. FWIW.

I like Ted Cruz, but he's not my first choice for SC Justice. Jeff Sessions would be a good pick, and that would move him out of the AG's spot where someone a little more proactive in dealing with the Democrat's corruption could be appointed. I honestly believe that Issa, Sessions, AND Gowdy were threatened by the Deep State. If Hillary goes, she will try to take down 1/2 of Congress with her. And I would imagine the same goes for Obama. What Obama has been doing from the sidelines is subversive and SHOULD be prosecuted. And it goes without saying that Hillary SHOULD have been prosecuted long ago for all the crimes she has committed. They're both guilty of multiple offenses, yet somehow they have managed to stay above the law.

What are your thoughts on Judge Jeanine Shapiro? If you want to see justice, she has been itching to hold Obama and Hillary accountable for their crimes...
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
I know for a fact that President Donald John Trump’s next suprema court nominee is going to be a woman and I am just dying to see who Democrats are going to bring in to accuse her of rape.
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SSG Drill Sergeant
If this was true it would have been the TOP news story of the day. Damn alternative facts!!!!
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