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Responses: 12
PO1 Don Gulizia
Two thoughts, 1) he talked about “truth” a few times in the article and yet, our other option was Hillary Clinton. 2) Anytime someone brings up Fascism, they should lose all credibility. For someone with a PhD, he should know that Fascism is nothing like our American Republican Party or Democratic Party. But, I’m pretty sure he knows that and is just trying to use Jedi mind tricks on the weak-minded.
PO1 Don Gulizia
PO1 Don Gulizia
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - You can throw out the "Italian Fascist" movement of 1919 as an example of comparisons between Fascism and modern American Conservatism, but that's not what is meant when academics or the media use the term in conjunction with Trump. Most Americans equate Fascism with Hitler...period. The term is used to disparage Conservatives. Unlike you, most Americans don’t know the difference and believe Hitler was strictly a hard right fanatic. Fascists hated democracy and capitalism because those systems focused on the individual, not the state. West knew how his article would be perceived and it wasn’t to show ties between Trump and Italian politics in the early 1900s.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 Don Gulizia - Neofascism, the term most often used, began in 1945. When you use the term neofascist, you are talking about fascist governments in Europe after the end of WW2.
PO1 Don Gulizia
PO1 Don Gulizia
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - My point is the terms fascism, fascist, newofascism, etc. all have the desired effect on those that don't know the difference. They are used to tie Trump to Hitler. This is not unlike using socialism (and all associated terms) with Obama. The only difference is that there was no clear effort to link Obama with Stalin.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
7 y
Fascism is the desire to control every aspect of a person's life an eliminate any choices for them. This is best exemplified in the modern world by the communist/socialist factions.
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CPT Jack Durish
Here's the first paragraph... "Eight years ago the world was on the brink of a grand celebration: the inauguration of a brilliant and charismatic black president of the United States of America. Today we are on the edge of an abyss: the installation of a mendacious and cathartic white president who will replace him." ... you've been warned
MCPO Mark Durland
MCPO Mark Durland
>1 y
Thanks, CPT Jack Durish . You saved me from reading this drivel.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - You mean these takers? They seem quiet hopeful that they will be able to take a lot more... http://www.cheatsheet.com/business/high-on-the-hog-the-top-8-corporate-welfare-recipients.html/?a=viewall
MSgt J D McKee
MSgt J D McKee
>1 y
Yeah, I'm still waiting for Trump to get his Nobel Peace Prize, surely that will happen because surely there is no hypocrisy involved from that august committee.
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
>1 y
Thank you, I have so many other things I could be doing besides reading this article, getting irritated because someone could actually think this idiotic crap was rational thought, and then respond. Now I can watch TV, sleep, laugh at idiotic Meryl Streep's foolishness, anything but respond to him- thank you!
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SFC J Fullerton
Edited >1 y ago
Interesting perspective. History has shown that more often than not, we elect presidents that are polar opposites of the previous.
SSG Program Control Manager
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PO1 John Crafton - A record number of deportations took place, he could have easily stepped in and stopped that from happening. had he used special ops to grab people instead of drones, a lot of special operators would have been killed. I'm opposed to his "extra-legal" actions, not the fact that he didn't risk the lives of US troops unnecessarily. His withdrawal of US forces was a result of Iraq failing to agree to a reasonable status of forces agreement. He had two choices, step in and assume control of the Iraqi government or leave Iraq, he chose the only reasonable option.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
I remember Carter trying to explain why he cancelled the B-1 to a USAF audience. A pretty hostile one too... (Castle AFB). He cleared his throat after the boo'ing subsided and said "if a B-1 goes down we lose crew. If a cruise goes down we lose no one. I don't know. I thought you valued the lives of your husbands, fathers and sons more than a missile." You coulda heard a pin drop after that.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - I have no reason to believe he didn't do everything in his power to reach an agreement, however it takes two reach an agreement and Obama wasn't willing to accept a status of forces that put US troops under the legal authority of the Iraqis or simply over ride their government. Diplomacy isn't a magic wand, you don't just wave it to get an agreement.

I agree with you on the drones, however I'll point out that Bush used drones (although not as much) and Trump is likely to use drones (it would be great if he did not).
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
SFC Bernard Walko - Ouch. So explain 'merica abandoning her South Vietnamese allies? Not the same thing tho, right?
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