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Responses: 11
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 8 y ago
Ryan is a nice guy that I sometimes see in Restaurants in SE Wisconsin without any bodyguards having a night out with his family. He is very approachable by the public unlike the Left that like to hide behind their security cordons. So I doubt the news story. I think it was a poorly planned Special Interest group event that fell apart due to poor planning and then was amped up in the press to make Congressperson Ryan look like the person at fault. Any high school kid in Wisconsin could hand deliver a petition to Congressperson Ryan, he is very public. Good luck with Nancy Pelosi though, who used government jets and security cordons as a matter of business everywhere. Ryan still flies Commercial in a lot of cases to DC. Remember Nancy Pelosi and her insistance on flying on a government 757? Most ordinary folks would have asked the government to buy a used jet much smaller that could have made the trip without refuelling but not Princess Pelosi. Also, when the inaguration rolls around watch how Pelosi dresses for it compared to other Representative Females.......she blows a lot of money in an attempt to look like a princess when all that is required is a simple nice looking dress. Pure vanity.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Great deflection. Clearly access to him is not as open as you say, as the obstacles this group faced were abnormally stringent.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Again, because they are a registered lobbying group and recognized as a special interest group and their dramatic shows for media attention are restricted to the District of Columbia............which is fortunate for all of us. Even so they could have applied some intellect and got the petition delivered via other means but they chose not to do so.........which raises questions to how really effective they are as a lobbying group. BTW, Rep, Gwen Moore, a former career welfare reciepient. She presides over one of the most violent and poverty stricken areas of Milwaukee and you an inquire of the folks that live in her District by knocking on doors........hasn't done much for them. Her Son was arrested in 2004 for slashing the tires of Republican Party officials. You have to wonder.
SFC Dante Alanis
SFC Dante Alanis
8 y
That's what California multimillionaires are accustomed to. How she represents common hard working Americans, only the Elites would know I guess.?.?.?
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
He disagrees with you SSG. It doesn't mean he is scared. Why don't you just post your opinion on this issue and see how many agree with you, or disagree? It's called a discussion.

The way you present this, it appears you are just starting crap. BTW, I do not like Ryan due to all his HB1 visas that cost Americans their jobs. Also, I am not an extremist just because I think HB1 visas should be slowed down.

M. Morris RVT
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Your above post is a good example of what I am talking about. You are confrontational and rude. The tone in which you write shows you have anger issues. It's boring.

The government is not interfering in women's rights. They just don't want to pay for your desires. Perhaps, like Ryan.

M. Morris RVT
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - Irony. You call me confrontational and rude, but you used the same line on me and accused me of "starting crap". I do have anger issues, and I don't see how that is any of your business. By the way, anger functions off the same chemical reaction as anxiety (I learned that in anger management classes), and I am also being treated for that, depression, and PTSD. Next demeaning statement?

Also, ALL federal funding goes to services that are NOT abortion. STD testing and treatment, cancer screenings, general wellness exams, pre-natal care, dietary counseling, etc.. So really what you're saying is that they don't want to help people live. Got it.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - I support your right to post as you choose. But, if I point out the tone in which you write, that does not make my post demeaning.

M. Morris RVT
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - You are correct, but the words you choose to point out what you perceive my tone to be is what makes your posts demeaning.
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SSG Security Specialist
Edited 8 y ago
(Un)Planned Parenthood is a private corporation....why they receive any tax payer monies at all has always been beyond me. They Set up their kill squads in poor neighborhoods and prey off people of color. The only reason (Un)Planned Parenthood got money in the first place was because liberals could not conceive of a person having to live with the choices that they make and wanted to step in to make themselves out as Heroes.

If they got a locked door I applaud Paul Ryan!
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - As for needing "Medical care that is backed by science, not religion" Don't pick a Catholic Hospital. Don't know what else to tell you. If you want or need an abortion, don't go to a Catholic Hospital.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Roger Ayscue - That's tough. Some areas don't have that option. I don't care enough to look up the name right now, but Washington state just completed a huge merger of a hospital with a Catholic hospital network.

The rules you outline make sense, but the water is always muddy. In the other thread, I used my sister as an example, so I'll stick to what I know.

1. She collected WIC for her first child, but she was also on birth control. She got pregnant again. She took a precaution to prevent pregnancy, and it didn't work. Stuff happens.

2. This would be fair if everyone could take the shot. Me, I loved the shot because I'm lazy, but others my have health conditions that prevent them from taking it.

3. My youngest niece is 9. That active search for child support isn't working out. Can you imagine the costs in time and money? Who's going to pay for that? What if the runaway parent dies? What if they have absolutely no means of paying for anything?

4. I have no idea what this is, but my sister is the first and only one to have this problem in our family (She's a year and four months older than me).

5. That is voter suppression. Poor Americans are still Americans. Welfare is not a crime. Poverty is not a crime.

6. Under current law, proof of citizenship is required to collect welfare, food stamps, etc, although undocumented immigrants are allowed emergency care. However, if their children are born here, then they are US citizens and are eligible for assistance. I will add that this could apply to my mother. She is not a citizen, but she is a legal permanent resident. All of my siblings and I were born in California (My father is a US citizen and an Airman who refuses to retire because he's clearly crazy, but that's neither here nor there). If we had needed it, my mother would have collected on our behalf.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - As far as voting goes...
NO ONE should be allowed to elect politicians that will continue to let them live on te dole. Jefferson said it best when he said that "When the people realize that they can vote themselves payment from the public treasury the Republic is doomed"
The POOR can vote, those in Poverty as a way of life who have been on the dole for years and years...only elect liberals that have used welfare to BUY THEM, and do not do anything to actually HELP THEM...
What I would like to see is a program that is graduated, and assists the person to begin and achieve ON THEIR OWN, for it to be a hand Up not a hand out for life. I think those people are better than that and if motivated to do right will do so.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - But to be honest, I do not believe in Anchor Babies either.
What I believe in is holding people accountable for their own actions and that somehow their bad choices should not cost me a dime.
I was not the sperm donor, so find the guy that Plowed the field and make him pay for the crop that grew.
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