Posted on Dec 22, 2016
Here's The Law That Poses The Greatest Threat To Donald Trump
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
so typical for the HUFPO... and you are going to tell me the congress critters passed the act to stop the conduct that made 2/3 of the Congress critters Multimillionaires and they are going to use it against the Trumpster... "I don't Think so Tim"...
well it might be one reason Trumpster wants all of the lobbyists out of DC...
well it might be one reason Trumpster wants all of the lobbyists out of DC...
Only a moron would believe that President Trump would start trading stocks as President, when he sold all his stocks in June.

Trump sold all shares in companies in June, spokesman says
The move will help combat conflict-of-interest worries about his $40 million portfolio.
SSG Warren Swan
I can't speak for that, but the way the story is written, the fact he has "knowledge" that could benefit his Company is what I want to see. Cheney was with Haliburton before Iraq and his role as VP. Most of the heavy contracts when to who? Now I'm not saying he did anything, but his knowledge of what is possibly coming and a "get ready" signal would make one think. In Trumps case, the fact he wants to spend as much time as possible in NYC would be something to think about too. His family lives very close to him, and his family will be running the company while he's president. Rather than keep going with the "this or that", I wanted to read, and couldn't get a solid link to open. "Sessions Timed out"? Session never began.
MSgt James Mullis
SSG Warren Swan - I doubt the President is going to start insisting that the Feds use his hotels. He has also already put his property management businesses in a holding pattern i.e. no new hotels or property purchases. As for relatives, have you heard of the Clinton's, Kennedy's, or Bush's, their families all ran multi-million dollar business's while they were President.
SSG Warren Swan
MSgt James Mullis - Didn't know about the first part. Not surprising, but believable. The second is plausible and I mentioned Cheney and Halliburton to show others have done it, I found it odd that they post something about a law, where at least for me, I can't see on any website.
SSG Warren Swan I think this is much ado about nothing. The law has been in place for several years. Trump may have been born with a silver spoon, but turning it into a platinum spoon, means he had people around him advising him as to avoiding the pitfalls. He will have a far greater number of people advising him on avoiding these mines once he is inaugurated. Let's try getting him into the White House before making wild claims about his lawlessness.
SSG Warren Swan
I'm not disagreeing with you on that. I find that when I used google to look it up, I get the Senate's rules on this. Fine, where is the rest of governments role in this? I wanted to see what it said vs. what the media will tell me it said.
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